(Data) sharing is caring: The opportunities and challenges of open access data

In this Data Science in the News webinar, we will be exploring the opportunities and challenges of open access data.


  • Professor Adam Clements – QUT Business School and Co-Leader of Business and Engineering Domain at the QUT Centre for Data Science
  • Associate Professor Ashish Bhaskar – QUT School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Co-Leader of Business and Engineering Domain at the QUT Centre for Data Science


  • Dr Tanja Tyvimaa – Senior Lecturer in Property Economics at QUT Business School
  • Professor Daniel Aromi – Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Católica Argentina
  • Ric Clarke – Director of Machine Learning and Novel Data Sources (MINDS), Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

Panel session topics

Dr Tanja Tyvimaa: Availability of residential property transaction data in Australia and other countries

To analyse property values and house prices we need access to previous transactions and property features. We need to know how much people have been willing to pay for a house or apartment. This presentation compares the house and apartment price data available in Australia to the similar data in some other countries. The presentation discusses how the quality of data and number of variables effect on house price research and quality of results.

Professor Daniel Aromi: Tracking mobility in emerging countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

We will summarize our experience analyzing mobility patterns around the COVID-19 pandemic for 8 large Latin American cities. Indicators of mobility by socio-economic status (SES) were generated combining georeferenced mobile phone information with granular census data. Before the pandemic, a strong positive association between SES and mobility is documented. With the arrival of the pandemic, in most cases, a negative association between mobility and SES emerges. This new pattern is explained by a notably stronger reduction in mobility by high SES individuals.

Ric Clarke: Data sharing from the perspective of statistical agencies

In this talk I will provide some insights on the benefits and challenges of data sharing for national statistical organisations, based on recent experience in supporting the emerging information needs of government during the COVID-19 crisis. I will specifically address issues such as social license, privacy and security, self-interest of providers, and data fidelity.

About our moderator and panelists

Dr Tanja Tyvimaa is a Senior Lecturer in Property Economics at QUT Business School. Dr Tyvimaa’s research expertise is in the residential property analysis and economics, and property development. Dr Tyvimaa has published several academic papers about residential property values and externalities.

Professor Daniel Aromi is a Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Católica Argentina. He obtained his PhD in Economics at the University of Maryland at College Park. His research areas includes: forecasts, forecast evaluations and Big Data.

Frederic (Ric) Clarke is the Director for Machine Intelligence and Novel Data Sources (MINDS) at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), where he leads a multidisciplinary data science team in the application of new mathematical techniques, computing technologies, and data sources for statistical analysis and production. From March to September 2020, he was seconded to the ABS COVID-19 Statistical Taskforce as the Director for Data Solutions. Frederic has over 20 years of public sector work experience in data science, systems development and support, strategic planning, program management, and enterprise architecture. Originally a physicist, he also has post-graduate qualifications in computer science.

Professor Adam Clements is a Professor of Finance at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and is a Co-Leader of the Business and Engineering Domain at the QUT Centre for Data Science.

Associate Professor Ashish Bhaskar is an Associate Professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) and is a Co-Leader of the Business and Engineering Domain at the QUT Centre for Data Science. His research interests include transport data analytics, predictive modelling, traffic simulation, multimodal demand modelling.


Start Date: 13/11/2020 [add to calendar]
Start Time: 12pm (AEST)
End Date: 13/11/2020
End Time: 1pm (AEST)