Bayes on the Beach | Program

Main Program

9:30 am:   Registration

10:00 am:   Opening / Acknowledgement of Country

10:20 am:   Keynote:  Prof Antonietta Mira, USI Università della Svizzera italiana, "Investigating the price determinants of the European Carbon Trading System: a non-parametric approach"

11:20 am:   MORNING TEA

11:40 am:  Challenge Part 1

12:40 pm:   Contributed Talk: Dr Matt Moores, University of Wollongong: "Annealed Leap-Point MCMC for Multi-Modal Distributions"

1:00 pm:  LUNCH BREAK

2:30 pm:  Invited Speaker:  A/Prof Ole Maneesoonthorn, Monash University:  Efficient Variational Inference for Large Skew-t Copulas with Application to Intraday Equity Return

3:00 pm:  Contributed Talk:  Grace Yap Ching:  "Kalman filter with variational Bayesian in hierarchical long memory"

3:20 pm:  Contributed Talk: Prof Chris Drovandi, QUT:  "Bayesian score calibration for approximate models"

3:40 pm:   AFTERNOON TEA

4:00 pm:  Workshop 1


7:30 pm:   Poster Session


9:00 am:   Day 2 Open

9:10 am:    Keynote:  Prof Paul Bürkner, TU Dortmund University:  "Does Bayes have to be slow? A glimpse into amortized Bayesian inference"

10:10 am:  Workshop 2

11:10 am:  MORNING TEA

11:30 am:  Invited Speaker: Andrew Zammit-Mangion, University of Wollongong:  "Bayesian Neural Networks for Spatial Process Modelling"

12:00 pm:  Contributed Talk:  Dr Clara Grazian, University of Sydney: "Spatio-temporal stick-breaking process"

12:20 pm:  Contributed Talk:  Anna Menacher, University of Oxford: "Scaler-on-Image Regression with a Relaxed-Thresholded Gaussian Process Prior"

12:40 pm:  Contributed Talk:  Dr Julie Vercelloni, QUT: "ReefCloud: a spatio-temporal model to predict the health of coral reefs worldwide"

1:00 pm:   LUNCH BREAK

2:30 pm:  Dr KD Dang, University of Melbourne:  "Fitting Structural Equation Models via Variational Approximations"

3:00 pm:  Contributed Talk:  Marvin Schmitt, University of Stuttgart: "Towards Reliable Amortized Bayesian Inference"

3:20 pm:  Contributed Talk:  Dr Louis Sharrock, Lancaster University:  "Coin sampling: Gradient-Based Bayesian Inference without Learning Rates"


4:00 pm:  Invited Speaker:  Dr David Frazier, Monash University:  "Generalized Bayesian Inference with Intractable Discrepancies"

4:30 pm:  Challenge Part 2


7:30 pm:  Poster Session

8:15 am:  Day 3 Open

8:30 am:  Keynote:  Dr Mohammad Emtiyaz (Emti) Khan -  "The Bayesian Learning Rule"  (Zoom Presentation)

9:30 am:  Workshop 3 - Neural Bayes Estimation with Associate Professor Andrew Zammit Mangion

10:30 am:  MORNING TEA

10:50 am:  Invited Speaker: Prof Fabrizio Ruggeri, CNR-IMATI, Milano, Italy "An Adversarial risk Analysis Framework for the Software Release Program."

11:20 am:  Contributed Talk:  Dr Clair Alston-Knox, Predictive Analytics Group:  "Accreditation of new technologies for predicting meat quality: Combining Bayesian models and industry rules for transparent decisions"

11:40 am:  Contributed Talk:  Kohei Horinouchi:  "A New Framework for Multilevel Analysis Aiming at Optimal Prediction Based on Bayesian Decision"

12:00 pm:  Challenge presentation/close

1:20 pm:  LUNCH


Poster Presentations

  1. Adam Bretherton
  2. Alan Ryou Pearse
  3. Clair Alston-Knox
  4. Dilani Kaveendri Dambure Hewage
  5. Ethan Goan
  6. Nushrath Najimuddin
  7. Georgios Charizanos
  8. Getayeneh Antehunegn Tesema
  9. Harry Estreich
  10. John Lyons
  11. James Hogg
  12. Kenyon Ng
  13. Leah South
  14. Marcela Cespedes
  15. Matt Moores
  16. Navodya Abirami
  17. Sankalpa Fonseka
  18. Amir Rezaeian

  1. Nhat Minh Nguyen
  2. Owen Forbes
  3. Paul Wu
  4. Yu-Hsiu (Paco) Tseng
  5. Paul Brown
  6. M.P. Dhanushika
  7. Santiago Marin
  8. Sarah Vollert
  9. Virginie PERLO
  10. Xiaoyu Wang
  11. Yong Chen Goh
  12. Yuxin Huang
  13. Zemenu Tessema
  14. Mildred Lumwamu
  15. Jamintha Mudiyanselage
  16. Julie Vercelloni
  17. Anupama Mudiyanselage