The QUT Centre for Data Science is celebrating its graduates. Meet Jing (Roy) Yang who just celebrated his graduation with a PhD!
What was your PhD in?
My PhD thesis investigates resource modelling and analytics in a business process context, using time-series event data from organizations.
How did you come to do a PhD on this? Did things change along the way?
I was visiting QUT when working on my Master’s thesis. I applied for and was lucky to have received a scholarship for my PhD study. I was enjoying the weather in Brisbane very much, so I just decided to do it. Not surprisingly my PhD is an extension of my Master’s research. The essential research ideas did not change – finding innovative solutions to unlock insights from the abundant process data and to support better workforce decisions.
How was your PhD journey? Any surprises?
There were many surprises, both good ones and not so good ones. They made those four years one of the most unique experiences in my life. Most importantly, I have met so many wonderful people at QUT, who celebrated those happy moments with me and lent me helping hands through the challenging moments.
Did you anything else at QUT besides your PhD?
I did an HDR internship project at a company in the aviation industry. That was during lockdowns with most of the flights grounded – so it was quite some experience. I also had the opportunity to work as a research student and developer in an CRC (Cooperative Research Centres) research project. Both projects offered me new perspectives and learning experiences about real-world challenges. I was also part of the AMSI Winter School in 2021, where I learned so much beyond the scope of my thesis and met with some lovely people.
How was your experience with the Data Science Centre?
It’s been a great experience and still ongoing. CDS has been offering strong support to researchers in many aspects, especially as a platform for fostering collaboration. Thanks to people who make these happen, and I look forward to more exciting developments.
What’s next – or what are you doing now?
I’m working at QUT as a postdoc researcher on a project, where we’re developing an AI-powered system that supports farmers in decisions on forage, grazing livestock, and farm sustainability – that’s yet another real-world data science challenge taken!
Congratulations, Roy!