Professor Antonietta Mira Visits Centre

The QUT Centre for Data Science was honoured to host Professor Antonietta Mira from Switzerland’s Universitàd ella Svizzera italiana and the University of Insubria in Italy.

Prof Antonietta Mira and Centre Director Kerrie Mengersen

Antonietta has visited QUT before and has been collaborating with Centre Director Kerrie Mengersen for years now along with other researchers here. Her last visit was pre-COVID.

“Some of the early career researchers here now were PhD students the last time I visited. It’s great to see them doing well,” said Antonietta.

Antonietta visited for two weeks and had a lot of conversations with Centre members who, she said, were quick to point out how much the Centre has helped them.

“The CDS First Byte and Second Byte schemes have allowed a lot of these younger researchers to build their CV with projects funded by CDS and even start to create their own research groups,” said Antonietta.

The main reason for Antonietta’s visit was to take part in the formal review of the Centre as a member of the team reviewing the Centre.

She says she came away impressed by how inclusive the Centre across the university.

“Data science is at the intersection of mathematics, statistics, computer science and other disciplines. You can see the effort being made here to create synergies with all these disciplines and bring together different viewpoints,” said Antonietta.

She says she was also impressed by the efforts to collaborate with industry.

While here, Antonietta also gave a public lecture and a technical talk targeted toward CDS researchers.

We have linked videos to both of those talks on this page.

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