Prof Sebastien Glaser

    Professor, Intelligent Transport Systems


    PhD (Universite d’Evry Val d’Essonne)

    Sebastien Glaser is Professor in Intelligent Transportation System at CARRS-Q, where he focuses on a safe and sustainable development/ deployment of Automated Driving System in interaction with others road users (drivers, cyclists, pedestrians …).

    He has obtained his PhD in Automatic and Control in 2004 (defining a driving assistance system in interaction with the driver) and worked, as a researcher in the development of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV). He was involved in several European Union initiatives (EU FP6, such as SAFESPOT on V2I communication) and in French National Research Agency (ANR) initiative (such as PARTAGE on shared control between the driver and the vehicle).

    Since 2009, he has worked across academic and industrial sectors and held senior researcher positions. He led the French ABV project, gathering 8 academic and industrial partners, to develop a CAV solution at low speed. He has created, with Dominique Gruyer, CIVITEC, which commercialized the research outputs on
    virtual environment and simulation (and is now a part of the ESI Group). He has been the deputy director and director of LIVIC (a research unit of IFSTTAR,  the French institute of science and technology for transport, spatial planning, development and networks) from 2012-2015 and project leader of VEDECOM (public private partnership research institute) between 2015-2017, developing the Autonomous Vehicle prototypes.

    He was involved in French (ANR) and European (FP7 and H2020) initiatives on AV development, test, and evaluation. He was also leading the technological roadmap task force in France for the AV.
