Dr David Hall

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Research Fellow

PhD (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Engineering (Infomechatronics) (Queensland University of Technology)

Dr David Hall is a research fellow at QUT whose long-term goal is to see robots able to cope with the unpredictable real world. He began this journey with his PhD on adaptable systems for autonomous weed species recognition as a part of the strategic investment in farm robotics (SIFR) team. Since April 2018 he has worked as part of the robotic vision challenge group within the Australian Centre for Robotic Vision (ACRV) and QUT Centre for Robotics designing challenges, benchmarks, and evaluation measures that assist emerging areas of robotic vision research. As a part of the robotic vision challenge group, he has assisted in:

  • Defining the field of probabilistic object detection (PrOD)
  • Creating the probability-based detection quality (PDQ) evaluation measure
  • Developing a PrOD robotic vision challenge
  • Developing a scene understanding robotic vision challenge

Now that he has spent some time developing robotic vision challenges, he looks forward to solving these problems and giving the world robust and adaptable robotic vision systems. Current research focuses are on using implicit representations of objects for high-fidelity semantic maps. Further information about David's past work and publications can be found at his personal website.


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