Selected partnerships and collaborations
Caterpillar Project (Mining3, QLD Gov)
In collaboration with the Queensland Government and mining equipment manufacturer Caterpillar, our researchers received $428,240 in funding to develop technologies to automate underground vehicles.
TMR, iMOVE CRC – Zoe 1 AI on Roads Project
In partnership with Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, this project used an ITS-teched-up Renault ZOE as part of the ‘Connected and Highly Automated Driving CHAD Pilot’ iMOVE project.
Air Force Project
From 2018–2020, the Asian Office of Aerospace R&D, part of the US Air Force’s Office of Scientific Research, funded a project investigating how neuroscience could inspire new data compression methods for robot and drone localisation and highly efficient robotic mapping systems.
Our research partners included Harvard and the University of Notre Dame.
Pepper in the Clinic Project
In 2018 our social robotics team developed two applications for a trial of the Pepper robot working at Townsville Hospital. One involved Pepper acting as a concierge, providing answers to frequently asked questions.
The other involved Pepper standing in the main foyer area asking people about their attributes to flu vaccinations and providing public health information.