School aged children (K-12)

The QUT Centre for Robotics and its people are involved in a range of outreach and educational activities within the K-12 sector, including:

Math Thrills

A QUT-funded (also with funding from the AMP Foundation, AIP Tall Poppies, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering and multiple successful Kickstarter campaigns) educational startup was created by the centre’s Deputy Director Michael Milford.

It combines entertainment with STEM education, in the form of storybooks, novels, movies, workshops and games.

Have the storybook “Robot Revolutionread to you.


Cirrus Robotics

A Brisbane based Robotics/Automation company that specialises in areas including school workshops focusing on robotics.

This start up was founded by the two of the centre’s Research Engineers,  Steve Martin and Gavin Suddrey.


Outreach Talks

Robotics researchers and students regularly give talks at schools and school events.  We also sponsor the Peregian Digital Hub – AI Cadetship.

The centre is involved in QUT’s STEM Camp, which is part of QUT’s award winning STEM School Engagement program.  This program was named international Gold Award winner of the K-12 category (kindergarten to Year 12) at the prestigious Reimagine Education Awards, which are billed as the ‘Oscars’ of Education.


QUT’s biennial robotics and technology festival, running 2015 – 2019.




Math Thrills – a startup mixing entertainment and STEM education for K-12 



Cirrus Robotics at the QLD Museum
Cirrus Robotics at the QLD Museum