Adoption of Collaborative Robotics – Research Impact Case Study

real world impact - Adoption of collaborative robotics

Prof. Jonathan Roberts is leading research efforts to assist industry overcome the barriers to adoption of collaborative robotics in Australian manufacturing. He co-establishment, and is the Director, of the ARC ITTC for Collaborative Robotics in Advanced Manufacturing (known as the Australian Cobotics Centre). He has an additional role as the Technical Director of the Advanced Robotics Manufacturing Hub (ARM Hub) which he helped establish.

The ARM Hub released a 3-year report card in April 2023 which highlights the significant impact it has had on Manufacturing Industry growth. Jon’s leadership has established a consortium of leading industry and SME partners and created an ecosystem where research can be translated into benefits for the Australian priority area of manufacturing. The consortium of industry partners in the Australian Cobotics Centre is similarly diverse and ranges from medical devices to steel production and steel fabricators.

The companies have embraced the idea of partnering across industry sectors. The Australian Cobotics Centre has since progressed to advising Jobs Queensland on a review of progress against the priority action areas (PAAs) outlined in Advancing Manufacturing Skills: A Skills, Training and Workforce Development Strategy for the Manufacturing Industry in Queensland, Jobs Queensland. These case studies will help inform positive changes to the job work force in Manufacturing.