Felipe Gonzalez elected Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society

QCR Professor Felipe Gonzalez was recently elected a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society, the highest level of its ranks.

The Royal Aeronautical Society exists to further the advancement of aeronautical art, science and engineering around the world.

To receive this honour, a Fellow must have made “outstanding contributions in the profession of aeronautics, attained a position of high responsibility in the field and had long experience of high quality.”

Dr Gonzalez is a Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Robotics (EER) and a CI in QUT Centre for Robotics (QCR), Engineering Faculty and Board Memer of Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) with a passion for innovation in the fields of emerging aviation technologies and aerial robotics. Gonzalez interest is in creating aerial robots, drones or UAVs that possess a high level of cognition using efficient on-board computer algorithms using advanced optimization and game theory approaches that assist us to understand and improve our physical and natural world.

He is the co-author of several books in UAV based remote sensing and UAV based design based on evolutionary optimization and game strategies and as of 2018 has published nearly 130 refereed papers. To date he has been awarded $47.1M in chief investigator / partner investigator grants ($30.5M total cash + in-kind contributions). This grant income represents a mixture of sole investigator funding, ARC Discovery Projects , ARC Linkages,  CRCs international, multidisciplinary collaborative grants and funding from industry.

He is also a Chartered Professional Engineer, Engineers Australia – National Professional Engineers Register (NPER), The IEEE, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and Holder of a current Australian Private Pilot Licence (CASA PPL) and a Remote Pilot Licence (RePL from CASA)