The PPCSRG consolidates existing large-scale projects with a diverse funding base: Current projects Filter by category:Current projectsFilter by tag:Active Projects Survivorship and Palliative Care in Child and Adolescent Brain Cancer (CASPER) CONNECTS PSP Quality of Care Collaborative Australia (QuoCCA) Remote Symptom Management in Paediatric Oncology (RESPONSE) Past projects Planning for Paediatric Palliative Care Services: Characteristics, demographics and health needs of children and young people with life-limiting conditions in Queensland Only a phone call away: A Study of Telephone Calls to Queensland Paediatric Palliative Care Services The 'So Many Questions' Project: Developing a question prompt list for paediatric palliative care Addressing modifiable health behaviors in survivors of childhood cancer (AMBER) Achieving Recovery after Cancer: Health and Wellbeing for Adolescents and Young Adults