Doctor of Philosophy (University of Melbourne)
Dr Bernd Ploderer is a Human-Computer Interaction researcher at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Working primarily in health and wellbeing domains, Dr Ploderer studies, designs and evaluates interactive technologies to help people make sense of data about themselves and the world around them. He leads the Digital Wellbeing Lab at QUT, which envisages a future where all digital technology is designed in partnership with communities for their social, mental and physical wellbeing.
Currently, he is involved in the following projects:
- Digital Self-care with Generative AI (supported by the Digital Wellbeing Lab)
- MyFootCare: empowering people with a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) in their self-care through mobile visual analytics (supported by The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation)
- Designing distanced intergenerational interaction with tangible technology (supported by ARC DP240102717)
- I want to Move it, Move it: exploring children's active play through tangible and embodied interfaces (supported by ARC DP200100723)
Education: Dr Ploderer received his PhD degree in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Melbourne (2011), a MA degree in Communications from the University of Salzburg, Austria (2007), and a BSc (Hons) degree in Information Systems from FH Joanneum Graz, Austria (2003). Prior to joining QUT, he worked as a Research Fellow (2011-2013) and as a Lecturer (2013-2015) at the University of Melbourne. During this time he co-founded Quantified Self Melbourne, and he served as deputy director of the Microsoft Research Centre for Social Natural User Interfaces at the University of Melbourne. Current service roles include:
- Research ethics and integrity advisor for the School of Computer Science
- Associate Chair for the Health Committee at the CHI23 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- Executive Committee member for the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group
For more information see http://www.berndploderer.com/
Additional information
Dr Ploderer is looking for Honours and PhD students with a background in HCI to collaborate on research projects listed above. If you are interested, please:
- Read through my proposed topics and some of my recent publications
- Familiarise yourself with the PhD scholarships available, eligibility criteria, and the application process at QUT
- Prepare the following documents: (i) a brief research proposal, (ii) a CV and (iii) a transcript of your academic results
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2021
- Details
- Honorable Mention award for my CHI 2021 paper "Diagraming Working Field Theories for Design in the HCI Classroom". The paper was ranked among the top 5% of all accepted submissions.
- Type
- Committee Role/Editor or Chair of an Academic Conference
- Reference year
- 2021
- Details
- Associate Chair for the Health Subcommittee at CHI 2022, the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- PCHF Innovation Grant to conduct a trial study "MyFootCare: A Mobile App to Engage Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcers in Self-Care." With P Lazarrini, J van Netten, R Brown, D Clark, and J Warnock
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2017
- Details
- Metro North Hospital and Health Service Link Grant to develop and trial "Better Individualised Stroke Care using Technology (BISCUT)." With T Green, J Muller, K Clark, and A Tariq
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- QUT Vice Chancellor's Performance Award for mentoring research students and colleagues through CHI writing workshops
- Title
- Designing Distanced Intergenerational Interaction with Tangible Technology
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- DP240102717
- Start year
- 2024
- Keywords
- Title
- Understanding and Treating Videogame Addiction in Young People
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- 2011768
- Start year
- 2022
- Keywords
- addiction treatment; behavioural intervention; randomised controlled trial; Addictive Behaviours; prospective cohort study
- Title
- Framing and Enabling Children's Active Play using Novel Technology
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- DP200100723
- Start year
- 2021
- Keywords
- Title
- Ambient Nature Network: New Technologies to Connect People to Nature
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- DP190101647
- Start year
- 2019
- Keywords
- Co-Designing Technologies with International Students from Indonesia in Australia to Support their Wellbeing
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Daniel Johnson, Dr Tara Capel - HCI in the Garden: Technology for Sharing and Living with Nature, Inspired by Phenology for Older Adult Gardeners
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Margot Brereton, Dr Kellie Vella - Designing Conversational Agents to Support Pre-school Children for Music Education
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Distinguished Professor Susan Danby, Professor Daniel Johnson, Dr Sarah Matthews - The Role of Digital Technology in Engaging Children with Nature
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Margot Brereton, Dr Kellie Vella, Dr Tshering Dema - Designing Elements of Tangible Embedded and Embodied Interactions for Young Children's Active Play
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Thea Blackler, Adjunct Professor Peta Wyeth, Dr Nicole Vickery - The applications of tangible embodied and embedded interaction (TEI) in facilitating intergenerational active play
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Thea Blackler, Dr Nicole Vickery, Dr Daniel Cook - Co-designing Relational Technologies with People with Dementia and Informal Caregivers to Support and Express their Personhood
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Margot Brereton, Associate Professor Alessandro Soro - Mobile health for secondary prevention of Diabetes-related foot ulceration
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Peter Lazzarini
- Making a makerspace: Reimagining makerspaces for women's participation (2023)
- Co-Designing with Adults with Moderate to Severe Intellectual Disabilities to Enable Active Communication Technology Use (2022)
- Crafting and connecting: Co-designing technologies with older adult crafters to promote family connections (2022)
- Leveraging Social Media to Co-Design Support for Developing Life Skills Among Young Adults with Intellectual Disability (2022)
- Co-Design Beyond Words with Minimally-Verbal Children on the Autism Spectrum (2021)
- Development of Interfaces for Orthopaedic Surgeons to Control Minimally Invasive Surgical Robots During Knee Arthroscopy (2021)
- Relation-Centred Inquiry: Designing for Position Exchange in Families (2021)
- Understanding digital technology for active play during the covid-19 pandemic among families with young children (2023)
- Designing Interactive Technologies to Enhance Nature Engagement for Children in Urban Bhutan (2022)
- Designing Mobile and Tangible Interaction for Music Education with Young Children (2021)