Publications by year
PhD (Australian National University), GradCert(TechManag) (Deakin University), HonsBSc(Physics) (University of Queensland)
My Research After completing my PhD in laser physics from ANU, I spent 8 years at CSIRO investigating nonlinear optical interactions to develop laser based measurement solutions for government and industrial clients. Through my contributions I was awarded the 2001 Iizuka prize for research contributions in metrology in the Asia-Pacific region, and fellowships to the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (Paris), National Institute of Metrology Japan (Tsukuba) and the Centre of Measurement Standards of Taiwan(Taipei). After joining QUT, my focus has been the investigation of light-material interactions to develop practical sensors and photocatalysts that help Australia and the global community to safeguard society and protect the environment. Specific areas of research interests are:
- Stand-off Raman sensor systems
- Surface enhanced Raman scattering
- Plasmonic photocatalysts
- Nonlinear absorption, dispersion and scatter in bulk and nanostructured materials
I am a Senior member of the Optical Society of America and a Chief Investigator within QUT’s Centre of Materials Science. My Background in Graduate Research Education Currently I am the Director of Graduate Research Education and Development and the Chair of the Research Degrees Committee, which oversees the skills development of QUT HDRs ensuring they are equipped to undertake their research degrees, life beyond graduation, as well as provide supervisors with the resources required for professional development so that they can develop their supervisory practice. Prior to that through my own research experiences, I have been fortunate to guide over 25 PhD and masters students as principal supervisor to completion. This experience inspired me to undertake formal roles that help our future talented technology shapers have a rich and rewarding experience at QUT as well as developing the graduate capabilities necessary to succeed as researchers in both academia and industry. Over the past 10 years I have been the:
- School Director Research Training for the School of Chemistry, Physics and Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty Director Research Training for the Science and Engineering Faculty
Additional information
- Type
- Appointment to State/National/International Reference Group or Government Committees
- Reference year
- 2018
- Details
- Member of the National Accreditation Panel for accrediting Australian University Physics degrees.
- Type
- Fellowship of a Learned Academy or Membership of AIATSIS
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Elected by my peers to Senior member of the Optical Society of America for my contributions to optics. With over 80 000 members world-wide, the OSA is world's peak society of researchers and professionals in optics research.
- Type
- Committee Role/Editor or Chair of an Academic Conference
- Reference year
- 2015
- Details
- Program Committee member of COLA 2015 - the world's premier event for laser ablation research
- Type
- Committee Role/Editor or Chair of an Academic Conference
- Reference year
- 2011
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- 2011 IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim - Optical Society of America. Program committee member for southern hemisphere's largest research forum for lasers and optics.
- Type
- Committee Role/Editor or Chair of an Academic Conference
- Reference year
- 2010
- Details
- The Sponsorship and Exhibition Coordinator on the organizing committee of the 17th National Australian Institute of Physics Congress held in Brisbane on the 3-8 of December 2006.
- Type
- International Collaboration
- Reference year
- 1999
- Details
- The Australian participant in an international collaboration between Australia, Japan and Germany to pursue the International Standard Development of Virtual CMM. The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) International Co-operation Program provided over $1000000 in funds for the project.
- Type
- Membership of Learned Societies
- Reference year
- 1995
- Details
- Treasurer of the Australian Optical Society
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 1989
- Details
- Awarded the University of Queensland medal for academic excellence
- Walden, S., Fernando, J., Shortell, M. & Jaatinen, E. (2020). Accurate determination of nonlinear refraction in ZnO and Au composite nanostructures. Optical Materials Express, 10(2), 653–661. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/200048
- Namarathne, D., Walden, S., Donaldson, R. & Jaatinen, E. (2018). Using image analysis to determine ideal aperture conditions for optimal Z-scan signal quality. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 54(3).
- Fernando, J., Shortell, M., Noble, C., Harmer, J., Jaatinen, E. & Waclawik, E. (2016). Controlling Au Photodeposition on Large ZnO Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8(22), 14271–14283. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/96251
- Shortell, M., Hewins, R., Fernando, J., Walden, S., Waclawik, E. & Jaatinen, E. (2016). Multi-angle fluorometer technique for the determination of absorption and scattering coefficients of subwavelength nanoparticles. Optics Express, 24(15), 17090–17102. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/97563
- Walden, S., Fernando, J., Shortell, M., Waclawik, E. & Jaatinen, E. (2016). Nonlinear absorption and fluorescence in ZnO and ZnO-Au nanostructures. Advanced Optical Materials, 4(12), 2133–2138. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/105495
- Sarina, S., Zhu, H., Jaatinen, E., Xiao, Q., Liu, H., Jia, J., Chen, C. & Zhao, J. (2013). Enhancing catalytic performance of palladium in gold and palladium alloy nanoparticles for organic synthesis reactions through visible light irradiation at ambient temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135(15), 5793–5801. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/77247
- Chou, A., Jaatinen, E., Buividas, R., Seniutinas, G., Juodkazis, S., Kiriakous, E. & Fredericks, P. (2012). SERS substrate for detection of explosives. Nanoscale, 4(23), 7419–7424. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/57804
- Chen, X., Zheng, Z., Ke, X., Jaatinen, E., Xie, T., Wang, D., Guo, C., Zhao, J. & Zhu, H. (2010). Supported silver nanoparticles as photocatalysts under ultraviolet and visible light irradiation. Green Chemistry, 12(3), 414–419. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/42702
- Zhu, H., Chen, X., Zheng, Z., Ke, X., Jaatinen, E., Zhao, J., Guo, C., Xie, T. & Wang, D. (2009). Mechanism of supported gold nanoparticles as photocatalysts under ultraviolet and visible light irradiation. Chemical Communications, 2009(48), 7524–7526. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/42756
- Jaatinen, E., (2005). Single Frequency and Tunable Single Frequency Semiconductor Laser Systems. Unlocking Dynamical Diversity, 257–305.
- Title
- Development of a Portable Raman Sensor for Stand-off an Non-contact Detection of Unknown Chemical and Biological Hazards
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- PR08-0012
- Start year
- 2009
- Keywords
- Remote Sensors; Non-invasive detection of hazards; Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy; Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy; Analytical Forensic Chemistry
- Title
- A New Nano-Sensor Technology for the Detection and Identification of Residual Vapours of Explosives, Drugs and Chemicals in the Air
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- LP0882614
- Start year
- 2008
- Keywords
- Nanofocusing; Surface Plasmons; Optical Sensors; Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering; Microfluidics; Nanoparticles
- Measuring Intensity Dependent Optical Nonlineartities Without Sample Damage Using Higher Order Vortex Beams (2019)
- Nonlinear Optical Properties of ZnO and ZnO-Au Composite Nanostructures for Nanoscale UV Emission (2017)
- Zinc Oxide Quantum Dot Nanostructures (2014)
- Investigation of the Intensity Dependence of Amplitude Noise in Electro-optic Phase Modulators (2013)
- Linear and Nonlinear Propagation of Localised Plasmon in Metallic Nanostructures (2012)
- Propagation of Low Power Low Divergence Gaussian Fields in Unbiased Self-defocusing Photorefractive Media and their Interactions (2011)
- Dynamics of Pattern Writing and Erasure in Photorefractive Lithium Niobate for Data Storage Applications (2010)
- Investigation of Laser Frequency Stabilisation Using Modulation Transfer Spectroscopy (2008)