Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Peter Fratzl studies the relation between (hierarchical) structure and physical properties of biological and bio-inspired composite materials. He also conducts fundamental and clinically oriented research on osteoporosis and on bone regeneration.
His research interests include biomaterials systems for mechanosensing and actuation, as well as interdisciplinary research together with cultural science and design. The scientific approaches combine experimental characterization with theoretical modeling, and use techniques and methodologies mostly borrowed from physics and chemistry to address questions relevant to biology, medicine, materials science, engineering and humanities.
View his reseach publications and detailed CV.
Honours and Awards
- 2021 – Election to U.S. National Academy of Engineering Membership
- 2015 – Election as Member: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW); Academy of Science and Literature, Mainz
- 2013 – Election as Member: German Academy of Science and Engineering (ACATECH)
- 2012 – Election as Fellow of the Materials Research Society
- 2010 – Doctor honoris causa, University of Montpellier, France
- 2010 – Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Prize, German Research Foundation (DFG)
- 2008 – Max Planck Research Award for pioneering work on Biological and bio-inspired materials (with Prof. R. Langer, MIT)
- 2007 – Election as Corresponding Member of the Austrian Academy of Science (ÖAW)
Email: peter.fratzl@mpikg.mpg.de