Professor Juha Töyräs

Associated Member, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio University Hospital and The University of Queensland

I have published 298 journal papers, letters and book chapters (c.40% with the first or last name) that have been cited over 11000 times (H-index 56, Google Scholar). I have supervised 46 Ph.D. theses until completion and currently supervising >20 in various fields of medical physics and engineering. In addition to scientific publications and supervised academic theses, my work has led to commercialization of the scientific innovations. I was involved in the development of an EEG-electrode set for emergency medicine. This BrainStatus EEG-electrode set (Bittium Biosignals Oy) is patented, CE-approved and currently marketed globally ( Furthermore, supervision of Ph.D. theses of Ossi Riekkinen and Janne Karjalainen led to commercialization of basic research results and a spin-off company (Bone Index Oy, My productive scientific work has also realized as significant and continuous external funding by e.g. the Academy of Finland, European Commission, NHMRC and Business Finland.

My scientific work is focused on translational research and seeks solutions in diagnostic shortcomings related to musculoskeletal diseases and sleep apnea. My research is very closely related to medical physics but it has also a strong interface with clinical medicine.