PhD (Moscow Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy)
Prof. Dmitri Golberg has a wide background and strong command in the synthesis, structural analysis, and physical property measurements of diverse inorganic nanotubes, nanowires, graphene-like nanosheets, nanoribbons and nanobelts. After getting PhD and 10 years research career at the Bardin Research Institute in Moscow, in 1995 he joined the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) in Tsukuba, Japan, and became one of the first researchers in the world to launch pioneering studies on boron nitride nanotubes. Since then he became a world-recognized expert in this field and published more than 200 papers solely on the nano-BN topic. He has also studied high temperature shape memory alloys, while working as a visiting researcher at the University of Tsukuba, Japan, in 1993, single crystals of intermetallic compounds, while being a guest scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute fuer Eisenforschung in Duesseldorf, Germany, in 1994, and the National Institute for Metals, Tsukuba, in 1996, and ultralight super-strong metal-matrix nano-BN composites, while being a visiting Professor and Inorganic Nanomaterial Laboratory Scientific Leader at the National University of Science and Technology (MISIS) in Moscow, 2011-2017. Dmitri`s rich experience in nanotubes and metallic alloys allows him to launch a new field of nanoscale studies: physics, chemistry and functional properties of inorganic nanotubes filled, joined and/or coated with metals. Since 2006 he became primarily engaged in the electromechanical, optical and optoelectronic property measurements of individual nanotubes, nanowires and graphenes inside a high-resolution transmission electron microscope for diverse green energy and structural applications. One of the most significant portions of his nanotechnology-related works is fabrication of prototype photodetectors, fuel and solar cells, Li- and Na-ion batteries, hydrogen accumulators, field and electron emitters, and structural nanocomposites made of various advanced nanomaterials synthesized in his Laboratories. In 2016 Dmitri won an Australian Laureate Fellowship, and in 2017 joined QUT after more than 20 years of Nanotube Group Leadership at NIMS. During his career Dmitri secured the prestigious Tsukuba Prize (2005), Thomson Reuters Research Front Award (2012), Seto Prize by Japan Microscopy Society (2016), and NIMS President Award (2017). He was also nominated as a Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science by Thomson Reuters during consecutive years 2014-2021. Dmitri is author or co-author of more than 720 original papers in peer-reviewed International journals. He also registered more than 130 Japanese, European and US patents, authored numerous book chapters, and delivered more than 150 invited, keynote and plenary lectures during multiple International Scientific Forums. Essential Science Indicators on the Web of Science(http://esi.isiknowledge.com/home.cgi) reveal that currently Dmitri is ranked within top 500 most-cited world materials scientists. His works have been cited more than 51.000 times and Hirsh factor of his publications is 119 (based on Scopus, http://www.scopus.com).
Additional information
Nanomaterial synthesis using laser ablation, chemical vapour deposition, induction heating. Structural and crystallographic analyses using analytical methods of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), electron diffraction, electron energy loss spectroscopy, X-ray spectroscopy and energy dispersion, nuclear magnetic resonance. Mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical and optoelectronic property studies of nanomaterials, e.g. nanotubes, nanowires, nanoparticles and nanosheets, using pioneering methods of in situ TEM. Design of super-strong nanostructured composites, ultra-light nanofoams, high efficiency solar cells, photodetectors, ion batteries, hydrogen accumulators, mass transporters, nanothermometers and field emitters.
- Weng Q, Wang X, Wang X, Bando Y, Golberg D, (2016) Functionalized hexagonal boron nitride nanomaterials: emerging properties and applications, Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (14), pp. 3989-4012.
- Wang X, Weng Q, Yang Y, Bando Y, Golberg D, (2016) Hybrid two-dimensional materials in rechargeable battery applications and their microscopic mechanisms, Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (15), pp. 4042-4073.
- Zhang C, Cretu O, Kvashnin D, Kawamoto N, Mitome M, Wang X, Bando Y, Sorokin P, Golberg D, (2016) Statistically analyzed photoresponse of elastically bent CdS nanowires probed by light-compatible in situ high-resolution TEM, Nano Letters, 16 (10), pp. 6008-6013.
- Tang D, Ren C, Lv R, Yu W, Hou P, Wang M, Wei X, Xu Z, Kawamoto N, Bando Y, Mitome M, Liu C, Cheng H, Golberg D, (2015) Amorphization and directional crystallization of metals confined in carbon nanotubes investigated by in situ transmission electron microscopy, Nano Letters, 15 (8), pp. 4922-4927.
- Pakdel A, Bando Y, Golberg D, (2014) Nano boron nitride flatland, Chemical Society Reviews, 43 (3), pp. 934-959.
- Tang D, Wei X, Wang M, Kawamoto N, Bando Y, Zhi C, Mitome M, Zak A, Tenne R, Golberg D, (2013) Revealing the anomalous tensile properties of WS2 nanotubes by in situ transmission electron microscopy, Nano Letters, 13 (3), pp. 1034-1040.
- Golberg D, Terrones M, (2012) Heterogeneous nanotubes: (X*CNTs, X*BNNTs). In M Monthioux, Carbon meta-nanotubes: Synthesis, properties and applications, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 323-409.
- Costa P, Gautam U, Bando Y, Golberg D, (2011) Direct imaging of Joule heating dynamics and temperature profiling inside a carbon nanotube interconnect, Nature Communications, 2, pp. 1-6.
- Golberg D, Bando Y, Huang Y, Terao T, Mitome M, Tang C, Zhi C, (2010) Boron nitride nanotubes and nanosheets, ACS Nano, 4 (6), pp. 2979-2993.
- Wei X, Wang M, Bando Y, Golberg D, (2010) Tensile tests on individual multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes, Advanced Materials, 22 (43), pp. 4895-4899.
- An Intelligent Simulation Framework for Low Dimensional Nanomaterials
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Liangzhi Kou, Professor YuanTong Gu - Computational Design via Alloy and Defect Engineering for Novel Catalysis Materials
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Aijun Du, Dr Stuart Bell - The Synthesis and Detailed Characterisation Comparison of 2D Transition Metal Carbides and/or Nitrides (MXenes) for Functional Applications
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Nunzio Motta, Professor Jose Alarco, Dr Konstantin Faershteyn