Dr Charlotte Birkmanis

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Associated Member, QUT


Dr Charlotte Birkmanis is the Director of the Jock Clough Marine Foundation, an Adjunct Research Fellow at The University of Western Australia Oceans Institute and a Visiting Associate at Queensland University of Technology.

Charlotte earned a BAppSc in Ecology (with Distinction), BA in International and Global Studies (Mandarin Chinese) and BSc (Honours first class) in shark and ray vertebral biomechanics from the University of Queensland and expands on this work in her role as Postdoctoral Research Fellow. For her PhD research on where sharks are, why they are there and if their numbers change over time, Charlotte developed novel methods to discover where sharks like to live and where they’ll be in the future with climate change. Her expertise includes shark and fish ecology (behaviour, diet, movement), monitoring, management and conservation with 15+ years of experience in marine megafauna research. Charlotte is an experienced consultant and project manager on marine projects with extensive presenting, teaching and travel experience (40+ countries). Having lived on three continents and as a Mandarin Chinese speaker, Charlotte promotes marine science through her books, podcast, radio shows and films, along with her work as a STEM Ambassador and Superstar of STEM with Science and Technology Australia. An award-winning scientist, communicator, MC and host featured on various platforms (e.g. BBC, ABC, Forbes, World Fringe Festival, TEDx), Charlotte regularly presents how we can coexist with wildlife to a global audience.

Research Focus

Sharks, cartilage, marine biology, ecology

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