Adrien Sarlet

MPQC Alumni


My name is Adrien Sarlet and I am from Belgium. I obtained my bachelor in biology from the Université de Liège (Belgium) and then my master in bioengineering from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. I did my master internship in Haiti, in collaboration with the Université d’Etat de Port-Au-Prince, and I sampled the River Artibonite to analyse anthropic pollution. My master thesis was on the “separation of diastereomers by means of microfluidic electrophoresis”. I am currently doing my PhD under the supervision of Dr. Cécile Bidan, within the Biofilm-based Materials group, at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany. As part of my PhD, I investigate the influence of metal ions on the mechanical properties of Escherichia coli biofilms using rheology.

