Kinning with the unseen more-than-human: Re-sensing Barrambin's disappeared waterways and creeks

Kinning with the unseen more-than-human

Project dates: 2022 - Ongoing

This design-led project aims to bring contextual and historical visibility/sensibility to the ancient creeks and waterways which exist in and around Kelvin Grove Urban Village (KGUV) and Barrambin, re-connecting the village to Council’s current re-design of the parklands. The project aims to explore, conceptualise, design, prototype, and evaluate, resulting in a design response which can then be iterated upon in future works. This project will lay the groundwork for a substantive funding application to the KGUV and future Arts Queensland funding opportunities, resulting in further career opportunities and potential avenues of development for the collaborators. It draws together a number of impactful research inquiries and urgent concerns for the environment, recognised as possessing personhood and a story to tell.


Image credit: Photo by Sime Basioli on Unsplash

Funding / Grants

  • QUT School of Design Research Seed funding & QUT More-than- Human Futures funding (2022 - 2022)

Chief Investigators

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