Doctor of Philosophy (University of Queensland), MBus(Comn) (Queensland University of Technology), DipEd (University of Queensland), BA(Hons) (University of Queensland), BBus(Comn) (Queensland Inst. of Technology)
Background: Dr. Peter Schembri is a film, TV, and screen analyst and educator. He was the Tertiary (University) Representative on the Queensland State Dept of Education's Board of Senior Secondary School Studies Film and Television Review Panel. He holds a PhD from the University of Queensland in film and television studies, and a Master of Business by research degree in genre studies (science fiction) from Queensland University of Technology . Areas of Expertise:
- Hollywood and non-Hollywood film and TV genres — including science fiction (Star Trek and other science fiction franchises); superheroes; fantasy; horror; cyberpunk / steampunk.
- Narrative film and TV form and style.
- Film, TV, game genres as a design process and production strategy.
- Film, TV, game genres in combination with character design and worldbuilding.
- Serial TV shows in the contemporary digital period.
- Film and TV genres and game cinematics (ie cutscenes) in video games.
- Film, TV, game analysis.
- Multiplatform and transmedia storytelling.
- Heritage Studies approaches to the study and interpretation of historical films and TV shows.