Dr Jane Turner

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Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology), M.A. (University of East Anglia), PGCE / Diploma (Victoria University of Manchester), BA(Hons) (University of Sussex)

Research Jane's research and practice explores game design, and the game engines and systems that underlay production, as cultural objects. Projects Jane was involved in the Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID) Indigenous game world project Digital Songlines. She has been exploring cultural geographies of the imagination via use of high-end game engines in projects such as: In the following projects, Jane explores the autocracy of software and potential participatory options to exploit the spatial metaphors of game worlds to re-connect digital story telling to place. Recent projects continue exploration of cultural geographies of the imagination and ontological design - the power of design to tell stories.

Projects (Chief investigator)

Additional information

With an emphasis on community growth and engagement, Jane (truna) Turner has aided the local games industry as part of IGDA since 2004 through the Game On program. GameOn GameOn is a series of exhibitions, events, talks and workshop opportunities that Jane worked closely with the QUT Creative Industries Precincts to establish. Jane and the GameOn programs team are also responsible for the:
  • Site-specific song for multiple voices: a choral approach to environmental sound and songwriting
    PhD, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Kristina Kelman
  • Gaming the Narrative: Authoring Emergence by Designing for Authority, Audience Agency, and Uncertainty in Theatre and Play
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Shane Pike
    PhD, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Dr Manuela Taboada
  • How To Use Game Design to Form a Bridge between Data Scientists and the General Public
    MPhil, Associate Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen, Professor Dann Mallet