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Language Production and Comprehension
- de Zubicaray, G. I., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2024). Statistical relationships between phonological form, emotional valence and arousal of Spanish words. Journal of Cognition. Open Access.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., Kearney, E., Guenther, F. H., McMahon, K. L., & Arciuli, J. (2024). Statistical relationships between surface form and sensory meanings of English words influence lexical processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Open Access.
- Tolkacheva, V., Brownsett, S. L. E., McMahon, K. L., & de Zubicaray, G. I. (2024). Perceiving and misperceiving speech: lexical and sublexical processing in the superior temporal lobes. Cerebral Cortex, 34(3), bhae087. Open Access.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., McMahon, K. L., Arciuli, J., Kearney, E., & Guenther, F. H. (2023). Emotion from the sound of a word: Statistical relationships between surface form and valence of English words influence lexical access and memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Accepted Manuscript.
- Kearney, E., Brownsett, S. L. E., Copland, D. A., Drummond, K. J., Jeffree, R. L., Olson, S., Murton, E., Ong, B., Robinson, G. A., Tolkacheva, V., McMahon, K. L., & de Zubicaray, G. I. (2023). Relationships between reading performance and regional spontaneous brain activity following surgical removal of primary left-hemisphere tumors: A resting-state fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 188, 108631. Open Access.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., Arciuli, J., Guenther, F. H., McMahon, K. L., & Kearney, E. (2023). Non-arbitrary mappings between size and sound of English words: Form typicality effects during lexical access and memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17470218231184940. Open Access.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., Brownsett, S., Copland, D., Drummond, K., Jeffree, R., Olson, S., Murton, S., Ong, B., Robinson, G., Tolkacheva, V., McMahon, K. L., & (2023). Chronic aphasias after left hemisphere resective surgery. Brain and Language, 239, 105244. Accepted Manuscript.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., Arciuli, J., Kearney, E., Guenther, F., & McMahon, K. L. (2022). On the roles of form systematicity and sensorimotor effects in language processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49(3), 431–444. Accepted Manuscript.
- Kearney, E., Brownsett, S., Copland, D., Drummond, K., Jeffree, R., Olson, S., Murton, S., Ong, B., Robinson, G., Tolkacheva, V., McMahon, K. L., & de Zubicaray, G. I. (2022). Brain lesions associated with communication-related quality of life following surgical removal of primary left-hemisphere tumours. Aphasiology. Accepted Manuscript.
- Volfart, A., McMahon, K. L., Howard, D., & de Zubicaray, G. I. (2022). Neural Correlates of Naturally Occurring Speech Errors during Picture Naming in Healthy Participants. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 35(1), 111–127. Accepted Manuscript.
- Ward, E. J., Brownsett, S.L.E., McMahon, K. L., Hartwigsen, G., Mascelloni, M., de Zubicaray, G.I. (2022).Online transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals differential effects of transitivity in left inferior parietal cortex but not premotor cortex during action naming. Neuropsychologia, 174, 108339.
- Yang J, McMahon KL, Copland DA, Byrne GJ, O’Sullivan JD, Dissanayaka NN. (in press). Semantic fluency deficits and associated brain activity in Parkinson’s disease patients with mild cognitive impairment. Brain Imaging and Behavior.
- Ward, E. J., Gauvin, H. S., McMahon, K. L., de Zubicaray, G.I. (2022). The left inferior frontal gyrus and the resolution of unimodal vs. cross-modal interference in speech production: a direct current stimulation study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 64, 101097.
- Mascelloni, M., McMahon, K.L., Pia,i V., Kleinman, D., & de Zubicaray G. (2021). Mediated Phonological-Semantic Priming in Spoken Word Production: Evidence for Cascaded Processing from Picture-Word Interference. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. (Accepted 10/01/21)
- de Zubicaray, G. I., Arciuli, J., & McMahon, K. (2021). A sound explanation for motor cortex engagement during action word comprehension. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33, 129-145. OSF repository
- Gauvin, H., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2020). Top-down resolution of lexico-semantic competition in speech production and the role of the left inferior frontal gyrus: an fMRI study. Language, Cogniton and Neuroscience, (Accepted 23/4/20)
- Hansen, S., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2019). Neural Mechanisms for Monitoring and Halting of Spoken Word Production. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31, 1946-1957.
- Brownsett, S.L., Ramajoo, K., Copland, D., McMahon, K.L., Robinson, G., Drummond, K., Jeffree, L., Olson, S., Ong, B., & de Zubicaray, G. (2019). Language deficits following dominant hemisphere tumour resection are significantly underestimated by syndrome-based aphasia assessments. Aphasiology, 33, 1163-1181.
- Gauvin, H., McMahon, K., Meinzer, M., & de Zubicaray, G. (2019). The shape of things to come in speech production: An fMRI study of visual form interference during lexical access. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31, 913-921.
- Hansen, S., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2019). The neurobiology of taboo language processing: fMRI evidence during spoken word production. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14, 271–279.
- de Zubicaray, G. & Schiller, N. O. (Eds.) (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Gauvin, H., Jonen, M.K., Choi, J., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2018). No lexical competition without priming: Evidence from the Picture-Word Interference Paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 2562-2570.
- de Zubicaray, G., McLean, M., Oppermann, F., Hegarty, A., McMahon, K., & Jescheniak, J. (2018). The shape of things to come in speech production: Visual form interference during lexical access. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 1921-1938.
- Gauvin, H., Mertens, J., Mariën, P., Santens, P., Pickut, B., & Hartsuiker, R.J. (2017). Verbal monitoring in Parkinson’s disease: A comparison between internal and external monitoring. PlosOne, 12(8):e0182159.
- Gauvin, H., Meinzer, M., & de Zubicaray, G. (2017). tDCS effects on word production: limited by design? Comment on Westwood et al. (2017). Cortex, 96, 137-142.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., Fraser, D., Ramajoo, K., & McMahon, K. (2017). Interference from related actions in spoken word production: Behavioural and fMRI evidence. Neuropsychologia, 96, 78-88.
- Meinzer, M., Yetim, O., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2016). Brain mechanisms of semantic interference in spoken word production: An anodal transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (atDCS) study. Brain and Language,157-158, 72-80.
- Vieth, H., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2015). Let’s Not Miss the Forest for the Trees: A Reply to Montefinese and Vinson’s (2015) Commentary on Vieth et al. (2014). Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1984.
- Hansen, S., McMahon, K., Burt, J., & de Zubicaray, G. The Locus of Taboo Context Effects in Picture Naming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, in press (Accepted November 24).
- Ulm, L., McMahon, K. L., Copland, D., de Zubicaray, G, & Meinzer, M. (2015). Neural mechanisms underlying perilesional transcranial direct current stimulation in aphasia: a feasibility study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9.
- Vieth, H., McMahon, K., Cunnington, R., & de Zubicaray, G. (2015). Interference from object part relations in spoken word production: Behavioural and fMRI evidence. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 36, 56-71.
- Riley, E., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2015). Long-lasting semantic interference effects in object naming are not necessarily conceptually mediated. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 578.
- Riès, S.K., Fraser, D., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2015). Early and late electrophysiological effects of distractor frequency in picture naming: Reconciling input and output accounts. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(10), 1936-1947.
- Vieth, H., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2014b). The roles of shared vs. distinctive conceptual features in lexical access. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1014.
- Vieth, H., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2014a). Feature overlap slows lexical selection: Evidence from the picture-word interference paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67(12), 2325-2339.
- de Zubicaray, G., Johnson, K., Howard, D., & McMahon, K. (2014). A perfusion fMRI investigation of thematic and categorical context effects in the spoken production of object names. Cortex, 54, 135-149.
- van Hees, S., McMahon, K., Angwin, A., de Zubicaray, G., & Copland, D. (2014). Neural activity associated with semantic versus phonological anomia treatments in aphasia. Brain & Language, 129, 47-57.
- van Hees, S., McMahon, K., Angwin, A., de Zubicaray, G., Read, S., & Copland, D. (2014). A functional MRI study of the relationship between naming treatment outcomes and resting state functional connectivity in post-stroke aphasia. Human Brain Mapping, 35(8), 3919-3931.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., McMahon, K., & Howard, D. (in press). Perfusion fMRI evidence for priming of shared feature-to lexical connections during cumulative semantic interference in spoken word production. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, Special Issue: International Workshop on Language Production 7 (Accepted 13 September).
- van Hees, S., McMahon, K., Angwin, A., de Zubicaray, G., Read, S., & Copland, D. (2014). Changes in white matter connectivity following therapy for anomia post-stroke. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 28(4), 325-334.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., Arciuli, J., & McMahon, K. (2013). Putting an ‘end’ to the motor cortex representations of action words. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25, 1957–1974. Word Stimuli. Altmetric
- Postle, N., Ashton, R., McFarland, K., & de Zubicaray, G. I. (2013). No specific role for the manual motor system in processing the meanings of words related to the hand. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7:11. Special Issue: The when and why of sensorimotor processes in conceptual knowledge and abstract concepts.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., Hansen, S., & McMahon, K.L. (2013). Differential processing of thematic and categorical conceptual relations in spoken word production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142(1), 131-142. .
- Arciuli, J., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. I. (2012). Probabilistic orthographic cues to grammatical category in the brain. Brain & Language, 123, 202–210.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., Miozzo, M., Johnson, K., Schiller, N.O., & McMahon, K.L. (2012). Independent distractor frequency and age-of-acquisition effects in picture-word interference: fMRI evidence for post lexical and lexical accounts according to distractor type. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, 482-495.
- Hocking, J., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2010). Semantic interference in object naming: An fMRI study of the postcue naming paradigm. NeuroImage, 50, 796–801.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., Postle, N., McMahon, K.L., Meredith, M., & Ashton, R. (2010). Mirror neurons, the representation of word meaning, and the foot of the third left frontal convolution. Brain & Language, 112, 77–84. Special Issue: Mirror Neurons: Prospects and Problems for the Neurobiology of Language.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., & McMahon, K.L. (2009). Auditory context effects in picture naming investigated with event-related fMRI. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. 9, 260-269.
- Hocking, J., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2009). Semantic context and visual feature effects in object naming: an fMRI study using arterial spin labelling. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 1571-1583.
- Postle, N., McMahon, K., Ashton, R., Meredith, M., & de Zubicaray, G. (2008). Action word meaning representations in cytoarchitectonically defined primary and premotor cortices. NeuroImage, 43, 634-644.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M., & Pringle, A. (2008). Negative priming in naming of categorically related objects: An fMRI study. Cortex 44, 881-889.
- Copland, D.A., de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K. L., Eastburn, M.M. (2007). Neural correlates of semantic priming for ambiguous words: An event-related fMRI study. Brain Research, 1131, 163-172.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M., & Pringle, A. (2006). Top-down influences on lexical selection during spoken word production: A 4T fMRI investigation of refractory effects in picture naming. Human Brain Mapping, 27, 864-873.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M. (2006). Classic negative priming involves accessing semantic representations in the left anterior temporal cortex. NeuroImage, 33, 383-390.
- Weekes, B., McMahon, K., Eastburn, M., Bryant, D., Wang, D-M., & de Zubicaray, G. (2005). Orthographic effects on picture naming in Chinese: A 4T erfMRI Study. Brain and Language, 95, 14-15.
- Copland, D.A., de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M., Wilson, S. J., and Chenery, H.J. (2003). Brain activity during automatic semantic priming revealed by event-related fMRI. Neuroimage, 20, 302-310.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M., Wilson, S.J. (2002). Orthographic/phonological facilitation of naming responses in the picture-word task: an event-related fMRI study using overt vocal responding. Neuroimage, 16, 1084-1093.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., Wilson, S. J., McMahon, K. L., & Muthiah, S. (2001). The semantic interference effect in the picture-word paradigm: an event-related fMRI study employing overt responses. Human Brain Mapping, 14, 218-227.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., Zelaya, F.O., Andrew, C., Williams, S.C.R., & Bullmore, E.T. (2000). Cerebral regions associated with verbal response initiation, suppression and strategy use. Neuropsychologia, 38, 1292-1304.
- Volfart, A., Rossion, B., Yan, X., Angelini, L., Maillard, L., Colnat-Coulbois, S., & Jonas, J. (2023). Intracerebral electrical stimulation of the face-selective right lateral fusiform gyrus transiently impairs face identity recognition. Neuropsychologia, 190, 108705.
- Miller, H. E., Kearney, E., Nieto-Castañón, A., Falsini, R., Abur, D., Acosta, A., Chao, S. C., Dahl, K. L., Franken, M., Heller Murray, E. S., Mollaei, F., Niziolek, C. A., Parrell, B., Perrachione, T., Smith, D. J., Stepp, C. E., Tomassi, N., & Guenther, F. H. (2023). Do Not Cut Off Your Tail: A Mega-Analysis of Responses to Auditory Perturbation Experiments. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 66(11), 4315-4331.
- Yan, X., Volfart, A., & Rossion, B. (2023). A neural marker of the human face identity familiarity effect. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 16294. Open Access.
- Volfart, A., Rossion, B., Brissart, H., Busigny, T., Colnat-Coulbois, S., Maillard, L., & Jonas, J. (2023). Stability of face recognition abilities after left or right anterior temporal lobectomy. Journal of Neuropsychology, 10.1111/jnp.12337. Advance online publication.
- Hocking, J., McMahon, K., & de Zubicaray, G. (2011). Cortical organisation of environmental sounds by attribute. Human Brain Mapping, 32, 688–698.
- Mullen, K., Dumoulin, S., McMahon, K., de Zubicaray, G., Hess, R. (2007). Selectivity of human retinotopic visual cortex to S cone opponent, L/M cone opponent, and achromatic stimulation. European Journal of Neuroscience, 25, 491-502.
- Ng, V.W.K., Bullmore, E.T., de Zubicaray, G.I., Cooper, A., Suckling, J., & Williams, S.C.R. (2001). Identifying rate-limiting nodes in large-scale cortical networks for visuospatial processing: an illustration using fMRI. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 13, 537-545.
Episodic and Semantic Memory
- Dissanayaka NN, Forbes EJ, Yang JH, Pourzinal D, O’Sullivan J, Mitchell LK, Copland DA, McMahon KL, Byrne GJ (2022) Anxiety disorders are associated with verbal memory impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease without dementia. Journal of Neurology, 269(3), 1600-1609. doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10736-x.
- de Zubicaray, G., McMahon, K., Hayward., L., & Dunn, J.C. (2011). Pre-experimental familiarisation increases hippocampal activity for both targets and lures in recognition memory: an fMRI study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 4164-4173.
- de Zubicaray, G., McMahon, K., Dennis, S., & Dunn, J.C. (2011). Memory strength effects in fMRI studies: a matter of confidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 2324–2335.
- de Zubicaray, G., Rose, S., & McMahon, K. (2011). The structure and connectivity of semantic memory in the healthy older adult brain.NeuroImage, 54, 1488–1494.
- Hocking, J. & Price, C.J. (2009). Dissociating verbal and nonverbal audiovisual object processing. Brain and Language, 108, 89-96.
- Hocking, J., & Price, C.J. (2008). The influence of color and sound on neuronal activation during visual object naming. Brain Research, 1241, 92-102.
- Hocking, J., & Price, C.J. (2008). The role of the posterior superior temporal cortex in audiovisual processing. Cerebral Cortex, 18, 2439-49.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M, Pringle, A., Lorenz, L., & Humphreys, M.S. (2007). Support for an auto-associative model of spoken cued recall: Evidence from fMRI. Neuropsychologia, 45, 824-835.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M., Finnigan, S., & Humphreys, M.S. (2005). fMRI evidence of word frequency and strength effects in recognition memory. Cognitive Brain Research, 24, 587-598.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K.L., Eastburn, M.M., Finnigan, S., & Humphreys, M.S. (2005). fMRI evidence of word frequency and strength effects during episodic memory encoding. Cognitive Brain Research, 22, 439-450.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., McMahon, K. L., Wilson, S. J., & Muthiah, S. (2001). Brain activity during the encoding, retention and retrieval of stimulus representations. Learning and Memory, 8, 243-251.
Brain Morphometry
- Dima D, Modabbernia A, Papachristou E, Doucet GE, …, McMahon KL, …, Thompson PM, Frangou S; Karolinska Schizophrenia Project (KaSP).(2022) Subcortical volumes across the lifespan: Data from 18,605 healthy individuals aged 3-90 years. Human Brain Mapping, 43(1), 452-469. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25320. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33570244.
- Frangou S, Modabbernia A, Williams SCR, Papachristou E, Doucet GE, …, McMahon KL, …, Karolinska Schizophrenia Project (KaSP), Thompson PM, Dima D. (2022). Cortical thickness across the lifespan: Data from 17,075 healthy individuals aged 3-90 years. Human Brain Mapping, 43(1):431-451. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25364.
- Wierenga LM, Doucet GE, Dima D, …McMahon KL, …Tamnes CK. (2022) Greater male than female variability in regional brain structure across the lifespan. Human Brain Mapping, 43(1), 470-499.
- Gutman BA, van Erp TGM, Alpert K, …de Zubicaray GI, McMahon KL, Wright M, Thompson PM, Turner JA, Wang L. (2022). A Meta-Analysis of Deep Brain Structural Shape and Asymmetry Abnormalities in 2,833 Individuals with Schizophrenia Compared to 3,929 Healthy Volunteers via the ENIGMA Consortium. Human Brain Mapping, 43(1), 352-372.
- For a full list of publications, try this PubMed search.
Attention and Control
- Yang JHJ, Pourzinal D, Rheinberger T, Copland DA, McMahon KL, Byrne G, Dissanayaka NN. (2022). The Attention Network Test in Parkinson’s disease: A Systematic Review. Cognitive and Behavioural Neurology, 35(1), 1-13.
- de Zubicaray, G.I., Andrew, C., Zelaya, F.O., Williams, S.C.R., & Dumanoir, C. (2000). Motor response suppression and the prepotent tendency to respond: a parametric fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 38, 1280-1291.
- Kelly, A.M.C., de Zubicaray, G., Di Martino, A., Copland, D., Reiss, P.T., Klein, D.F., Castellanos, F.X., Milham, M.P., McMahon, K. (2009). L-dopa modulates functional connectivity in striatal cognitive and motor networks: a double blind, placebo-controlled study. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 7364 –7378.
- Copland, D., McMahon, K., Silburn, P., & de Zubicaray, G. (2009). Dopaminergic neuromodulation of semantic processing: a 4T functional MRI study with levodopa. Cerebral Cortex, 19, 2651-2658.
- Rose, S.E., Janke, A.L., Strudwick, M.W., McMahon, K.L., Chalk, J.B., Snyder, P. & de Zubicaray, G.I. (2006). Assessment of dynamic susceptibility contrast cerebral blood flow response to amphetamine challenge: A human pharmacological MRI (phMRI) study at 1.5 and 4T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 55, 9-15.
Arithmetic and Reading
- Malone, S. A., Pritchard, V. E., & Hulme, C. (2022). Domain-specific skills, but not fine motor or executive function, predict later arithmetic and reading in children. Learning and Individual Differences, 95.
- Malone, S. A., Pritchard, V. E., & Hulme, C. (2021). Separable effects of the approximate number system, Arabic numeral knowledge and ordinal number understanding on early arithmetic development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 208, e105120.
Neuroimaging and the Mind
- de Zubicaray, G.I. (2012). Strong inference in functional neuroimaging. Australian Journal of Psychology, 64, 19-28. Special Issue: Neuroscience “versus” Cognitive modeling: Competing approaches or compatible levels of explanation?
- de Zubicaray, G.I. (2006). Cognitive neuroimaging: cognitive science out of the armchair. Brain and Cognition, 60, 272-281.
Ultrasound Imaging
- Ross MT, Antico M, McMahon KL, Ren J, Powell SK, Pandey AK, Allenby MC, Fontanarosa D, Wood MA. (2022) Ultrasound imaging offers promising alternative to capture 3D models for personalised auricular implants. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 48(3), 450-459.
Animal Imaging
- Toftegaard C.L., McMahon K.L., Galloway G., & Bradley A.J. (2002). Urinary Pheremone processing in the brown antechinus, Antechinus stuartii (Marsupialia: Dasyudridae): Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. Journal of Mammology, 83, 71-80.
Neonatal Care
- Pritchard, V. E. & Rizkallah, S. (2022). Perceptions of parent stressors in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit among the general public and health care professionals. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing, 36(2), pp. 186-197.
Book Chapters
- de Zubicaray, G. (2022). The neural organisation of language production: Evidence from neuroimaging and neuromodulation. To appear in K. Strijkers & R. Hartsuiker, (Eds), Cognitive Processes of Language Production, Current Issues in the Psychology of Language, Psychology Press/Routledge.
- de Zubicaray, G. I., & Piai, V. (2019). Investigating the spatial and temporal components of speech production. In G. I. de Zubicaray & N. O. Schiller (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 472-497.
- de Zubicaray, G. (2005). Neuroimaging for Clinical Neuropsychologists. In P. J. Snyder, P. D. Nussbaum, & D. Robins (Eds), Clinical Neuropsychology: A Pocket Handbook for Assessment, (2nd ed), Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.