Project Lead
Advisory Panel
Professor Rick Krever
Professor, University of Western Australia
Professor Andrew Johnston
Professor, School of Law, University of Warwick
Professor Adrian Sawyer
Professor, University of Canterbury
Professor Irma Mosquera Valderrama
Professor Tax Governance and PhD Dean at Leiden Law School, The Netherlands
Emeritus Professor Chris Evans
Emeritus Professor, University of New South Wales
Postdoctoral Fellows
Dr Ashesha Weerasinghe
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Taxation, QUT
PhD Students
Zizheng Zhao
QUT Postgraduate Research Award Scholarship, Faculty of Business & Law
Linda Bennison
QUT Postgraduate Research Award Scholarship, Faculty of Business & Law
Sari Rossi
QUT Research Training Program Scholarship, Faculty of Business & Law
Loan Pham
QUT Postgraduate Research Award Scholarship, Faculty of Business & Law
Ke Xiong
QUT Postgraduate Research Award Scholarship, Faculty of Business & Law
Research Assistants
Dr Peter Mellor
Research Assistant, International Tax in the Digital Age
Project Associates
Professor Ellie Chapple
Professor of Accounting, QUT Business and Law Faculty
Dr Bronwyn McCredie
Senior Lecturer, QUT
Devika Bhatia
Research Scholar, University of Western Australia
Dr Rodney Brown
Senior Lecturer, Business School, UNSW
Dr Mattia Anesa
Lecturer, University of Sydney Business School
Website enquiries
Paul Mills
Digital Communications, Faculty of Business