The Golberg Group at QUT designs inorganic nanomaterials for structural and green energy applications. Inorganic nanomaterials include:
- nanotubes
- nanowires
- nanoparticles
- graphene-like nanosheets
- nanoribbons
- nanobelts.
Anticipated outcomes of design and analysis of nanomaterials include development of new ultralight and super-strong structural composites and green energy materials. Application of such nanomaterials could include:
- advanced solar cells
- touch panels
- ion batteries
- supercapacitors
- field-effect transistors
- photodetectors
- light sensors and displays.
We analyse these materials using spatially-resolved dynamic in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This technique measures a nanostructure response to mechanical, electrical, optical and thermal, and other external stimuli.
Dmitri Golberg
Australian Laureate Fellow, Professor Dmitri Golberg is a globally-renowned physicist and one of the first researchers in the world to pioneer studies on boron nitride nanotubes. Dmitri’s most significant nanotechnology-related works includes the fabrication of prototype photodetectors, fuel and solar cells, Li- and Na-ion batteries, hydrogen accumulators, field and electron emitters, and structural nanocomposites made of various advanced nanomaterials synthesised in his Laboratories.
He has registered more than 100 Japanese and US patents, and is among the most cited materials scientists in the world. In 2017, he joined QUT where he established the inorganic nanomaterials research group.
Read more about Professor Dmitri Golberg.
We invite research collaboration proposals, and expressions of interest from motivated undergraduate and graduate students to join our research group.