
ILAQH Research Impact

  • Professor Lidia Morawska is part of the World Health Organization initiative to establish Global Platform to: ‘generate better data on air pollution-related diseases and strengthened support to countries and cities through guidance, information and evidence about health gains from key interventions’. Chairing the last Global Platform meeting (in Madrid in March 2017), she brought into focus the value of data from low cost sensors for air pollution and exposure assessment. To follow up from this, on her initiative low cost sensors and this research will be discussed during the 5th International Symposium on Regional Air Quality Management in Rapidly Developing Economic Regions, held Guangzhou, China, 16-19 November 2017. See the list of publications related to this global platform here.
  • Our paper has been published in Science (Emergence and spread of a human-transmissible multidrug-resistant nontuberculous mycobacterium). The three co-another from the ILAQH, QUT include Graham Johnson, Nassib Jabbour and me. We played a significant role in this research and conducted the entire aerosol part of the study. The beginnings of our investigations into infectious bioaerosols date back to 2004, when after the SARS epidemic we were successful in obtaining an ARC Discovery grant to start this line of research. Since then we established close collaborations with colleagues from QIMR, TPCH, RCH (now Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital) and UQ – several of them co-authors of the Science paper, and co-applicants of other successful grants over the years, which made this research possible. We continue this work, and the recently awarded ARC Discovery grant to Graham Johnson together with some of our oversees colleagues, will hopefully bring equally good outcomes!
  • An application for NHMRC CRE, of which we are co-investigators is among those approved for funding, as announced 27 October 2016 by NHMRC: The Administering Organisation is the University of New South Wales, led by Prof Guy Marks. Prof Lidia Morawska is a Chief Investigator and Mandana Mazaheri is an Associate Investigator. The CRE APP1116412 has been awarded $2,491,229.15.
  • In 2016, an agreement of co-operation, the “FUTURA Agreement”was signed between a consortiums of International Universities: Lublin University of Technology, Poland; University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy; Queensland University of Technology, Australia; Aalto University, Finland; and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain.
  • In 2016, a Joint PhD Agreement was also signed between the Lublin University of Technology, Poland, and the Queensland University of Technology, Australia.
  • Professor Zoran Ristovski, chef scientist on a voyage to examining the air above the Great Barrier Reef. He is leading a world-first study by an international collaboration of climate scientists from 13 institutions that have come together on the voyage to confirm that coral creates rain. For years, researchers have documented the increasing impact of climate change on the Great Barrier Reef, but very little is known about the reef’s effect on the climate, particularly rainfall. This team is here to investigate whether a damaged or dying reef could have repercussion for weather patterns in north Queensland. Link to the projects page already existing