Connecting rehab services across West Moreton

We have worked to re-design service delivery with the rehabilitation team at West Moreton Health, activating Boonah hospital to grow as a step-down site for rehab. Over 50 clinicians and consumers collaborated in a Co-Designing Service Transformation workshop to envision what seamless care transitions – between the 431-bed Ipswich Hospital and the smaller 22-bed Boonah Hospital, 45 minutes away – might look like.
Who was involved?
In addition to the clinical staff plus patients and families experiencing rehab at Ipswich and Boonah hospitals, the project was led by Professor Evonne Miller (co-Director of HEAL), Sarah Johnstone (Design Strategist), Dr Abigail Winter, and Sam Regi (Videographer).
What was the process?
We started with interviews, followed by a participatory co-design workshop and arts-based methods (a video and photovoice exhibition) to create shared understanding and trigger a public dialogue about the experience of rehab at West Moreton.
What were the outcomes?
There will be a public exhibition from 7 June 2021, as part of the United National International Day of Families. Staff, patient and family photographs will be displayed at an on-site exhibition at Ipswich and Boonah hospitals. As rehabilitation works best when it is a family-centred model of care, the United Nations International Day of Families is an appropriate day to launch this exhibition and engage the local and hospital community in a dialogue about the rehab care experience at West Moreton.
Watch the video about rehabilitation at Ipswich and Boonah hospitals:
Watch the video about rehabilitation at the Community Based Rehabilitation Team (CBRT):
The exhibition at Ipswich Hospital:

Connecting Rehab Services