PhD (Queensland University of Technology), Grad. Dip in Interior Design (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Built Environment (Interior Design) (Queensland University of Technology)
Natalie is a Senior Lecturer and QUT Design Lab Design Education Program Leader in the QUT Faculty of Creative Industries, School of Design. From 2014-2016 she was Manager of the Asia Pacific Design Library (APDL) at the State Library of Queensland. She has 18 years Interior Design commercial practice experience gained in Australia, Japan and the UK and is a Past National Director and Past President (Queensland Branch) of the Design Institute of Australia (DIA). Natalie’s research interests are focused around socially responsible, collaborative and inclusive design; community engagement and service learning; design thinking and design-led innovation approaches for students and educators in the secondary and tertiary contexts; and the role of design in the 21st century creative knowledge economy. In 2010, she received a QUT Dean’s Award of Excellence for ‘Engagement with the Community’ for the design and delivery of the goDesign travelling design immersion program into six regional high schools in Queensland, the subject of her PhD. Since then she has been involved in the authoring and facilitation of over 45 state/local government and privately funded school design workshop programs for secondary school students and the professional development of secondary teachers, the QUT Widening Learning and Participation Program, and a member of the project delivery team and content contributor for the State Library APDL Design Minds website, which won a Good Design Australia Award in 2018. In 2012 she was Chief Investigator for the Arts Queensland funded Knowledge Economy Market Development Mapping Study highlighting the scope and value of design education programs in Queensland, from primary school to the professional design sector. Natalie has represented Australia (DIA) at the 2009 and 2011 International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) General Assemblies. Main Areas of Research
- Design Education;;;;;;;;;;;
- Design Thinking/Design led innovation in Secondary School Contexts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Design Thinking/Design led innovation in Higher Education
- Strategic Design
- Community Engagement and Service Learning;;;;;
- Inclusive Design
- Socially Responsible Design
- Design Ethics
- Teaching and Learning – Design Studio Practice
Offices Held
- Design Institute of Australia (DIA) National Director: 2007 - 2011; 2012 - 2014
- Design Institute of Australia (DIA) Co-President Queensland Branch: 2007 - 2010
- Design Institute of Australia (DIA) Queensland Branch Councillor: 2003 - 2014
- 2012 - $16,800 - Knowledge Economy Market Development Mapping Study, Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy Funding, Queensland Government, Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation & the Arts through Arts Queensland
- 2009 - $15,000 - The Affective Dimension in Engaging Built Environment Students in the Project-Based Learning Context, QUT Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering Small Teaching & Learning Grant.
- 2009 - $30,000 - Travelling Design Workshop Program for Regional Queensland Secondary School Students QUT Engagement and Innovation Grant, Project Manager.
- 2009 - $25,000 - ‘unleashed: queensland design on tour 2010’ Regional Travelling Exhibition Queensland Government Arts Queensland Development & Presentation Grant.
Awards and Recognitions
- 2016 - AIA Queensland President’s Prize, Asia Pacific Architecture Forum (State Library of Queensland & Architecture Media);
- 2013 - QUT Vice-Chancellor’s Performance (Team) Award (with D. Brough);
- 2013 - QUT Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence Nominee - Partnerships and Engagement
- 2013 - Excellence in Marketing Award for Super/Major Regional Shopping Centre - 'Sit-Art 60 Chair Challenge' Program 2012 (with L. Hooper, A. Wright, T. Deen, A. Layton, T. Lunardon, C. Duell)
- 2012 - Queensland Government Arts Queensland Finalist Queensland Smart Designer of the Year
- 2011 - Queensland Government Education Queensland Regional Showcase Award for Excellence in Innovation - 'Living City' Design for Change Secondary Education Program 2010 (with L.Hooper, P. Boyle, G. Searle)
- 2010 - QUT Faculty of Built Environment & Engineering Dean’s Award of Excellence for Engagement with the Community.
- 2009 - QUT Vice-Chancellor’s Performance Award
- 2009 - RAIA Qld Chapter Commendation – Brisbane Regional Awards: O’Neill Building - Nudgee College, Brisbane (Fairweather Proberts Architects)
- 2009 - RAIA Qld Chapter Commendation – Brisbane Regional Awards: Badge Construction Office Building, Brisbane (Fairweather Proberts Architects)
- 2008 - QUT Faculty of Built Environment & Engineering Dean’s Award of Excellence for Engagement with the Community
- 2004 - HIA Apartment Project of the Year – HIA South East Qld Housing, Cutters Landing Flinders Apartments, Brisbane (Mirvac Design)
- 2004 - HIA Apartment Project of the Year – HIA National Housing, Cutters Landing Flinders Apartments, Brisbane (Mirvac Design)
- 2002 - DIA Queensland Design Awards Interior Design Residential Commendation, Cutters Landing Sales Office, Brisbane (Mirvac Design)
- 2002 - RAIA Qld Chapter Commendation – Brisbane Regional Awards, Cutters Landing Sales Office, Brisbane (Mirvac Design)
- 1998 - QUT Andrew Brock Memorial Prize, Excellence in Bachelor of Applied Science Built Environment course, Second Year
Career History
2008 - Present: SeniorLecturer in Interior Design: Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Faculty of Creative Industries, School of Design, Brisbane 2014-2016: Manager, Asia Pacific Design Library (APDL): State Library of Queensland 2007: Senior Interior Designer: Fairweather Proberts Architects, Brisbane; Sessional Lecturer: QUT School of Design, Brisbane; Sessional Lecturer & Tutor: Southbank Institute of Technology, Brisbane 2006: Sessional Tutor: QUT School of Design, Brisbane 2005 - 2006: Interior Design Manager: ML Design, Brisbane 2000 - 2005: Associate Director/Interior Design Manager: HPA Architects/Mirvac Design, Brisbane 2000: Sessional Tutor: QUT School of Design, Brisbane 1998 - 2000: Senior Interior Designer: Haysom Spender Architects, Brisbane; Sessional Lecturer: Southbank Institute of Technology, Brisbane 1998: Interior Designer: Richmond International, London UK 1997 - 1998: Interior Designer: EAA International, London UK 1996: Sessional Lecturer & tutor: Southbank Institute of Technology, Brisbane 1994 - 1996: Interior Designer: Cottee Parker Architects, Brisbane 1993 - 1994: Interior Designer: Buchan Group, Brisbane; Sessional tutor: QUT School of Design, Brisbane 1992: Interior Designer: Syntax Pty Ltd, Osaka Japan 1991: Interior Designer: IDEA Pty Ltd, Brisbane 1990 - 1991: Interior Designer/CAD Draftsperson: Arkell Shopfitters, Brisbane
Additional information
External Collaborations
- Kelvin Grove State College
- John Paul College & Conrad Gargett Riddel Architects
- Artisan
- Queensland Museum
- State Library of Queensland, Asia Pacific Design Library
- Queensland Government Arts Queensland
- Queensland Academies
- Southbank Corporation
- Kyabra Community Association
- Design Institute of Australia
- Regional State High Schools - Chinchilla State High School, Spinifex College Mt Isa, Quilpie State College, Emerald State High School, Gladstone State High School, Bundaberg State High School, Annandale Christian College, Townsville
- Other Local Schools - Morayfield State High School, Narangba Valley State High School, Pimpama State Secondary College, Watson Rd State School, Indooroopilly State High School
- Manufacturing Skills Queensland (QMI) Solutions - Manufacturing and Engineering Gateway Schools Project
- Queensland Government G20 Cultural Program
- Object: Australian Design Centre
- StepUp OLT project
- University of Queensland School of Education
- James Cook University College of Arts, Society & Education
- Design & Technology Teachers Association (DATTA)
- Apple Educators
- Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC)
- Architecture Media
Community Service/Engagement
- QPAC Out of the Box Festival K8 Symposium Co-Lead Facilitator & Design Education Consultant, SLQ Brisbane: June 2016;
- Inaugural SLQ/Architecture Media Asia Pacific Architecture Forum SLQ Partner/Producer (14 Events, 4 Exhibitions - including SCAF Fugitive Structures Pavilion 2016), SLQ Brisbane: March 2016;;;
- Design Minds Intro to Design Thinking for Educators Workshop Facilitator for the StepUp Project, QUT Brisbane: Oct 2015
- Design Minds Intro to Design Thinking for Educators Workshop Facilitator for the StepUp Project & Annandale Christian College, Townsville: Sept 2015;
- Design Minds QUT Project Activate Workshop Co-Lead/Facilitator, Brisbane: July 2015
- StepUp Steam Room Design Thinking workshop Co-Lead/Facilitator, SLQ Brisbane: July 2015;;
- Industrial Technology & Design Teachers Association (INTAD) State Conference ‘Design: Our Future’ Design Minds Intro to Design Thinking Workshop Facilitator, Toowomba: July 2015
- Design Minds Intro to Design Thinking for Educators Workshop & Design Emergency Play Time Textile Design Workshop, with Object ADC for the Resolved: Journeys in Australian Design Exhibition, Cairns: May 2015;
- Future of Libraries Workshop for QUT The Cube Littlebits Project,Watson Rd State School, Co-Lead/Facilitator, Brisbane: May 2015
- Design Minds PD Day with Cooper Hewitt Fellow Co-Lead/Facilitator, SLQ Brisbane: March 2015
- G20 Cultural Program Think Outside Program Curator, SLQ Brisbane: Oct/Nov 2014
- G20 Cultural Program Design Minds 2 Day City Co-Lead/Facilitator, SLQ Brisbane: Nov 2014;
- Design Centre Enmore TAFE NSW External Re-Accreditation Review of Documents Committee Bachelor of Design (Interior Design) Course: Dec 2014
- Living City 2014, Secondary School Student Urban Design Workshop Program Co-Lead/Facilitator, Brisbane: 2014
- HIA-CSR Queensland Interior Design and Decoration Awards Judge, Brisbane: 2013 & 2014
- REA F1 in Schools - The Formula One Technology Challenge Queensland State Finals Judge, Brisbane: 2013 & 2015
- Queensland Government Arts Queensland Arts for All Queenslanders Strategy Working Group Member, Brisbane: 2013
- Furniture Design Pressure Test Queensland Academies Young Scholars Primary/Secondary School Design Workshop Program Co-Lead/Facilitator, Brisbane: 2013; "Furniture Design Challenge" aired on Totally Wild Channel 11, 18/11/2013
- Living City 2013 for Brisbane City Council Ideas Fiesta, Secondary School Urban Design Workshop Program, Co-Lead/Facilitator, Brisbane: 2013
- Learning Environment 2050, Secondary School Interior Design/Architecture Workshop Program with John Paul College, Program Lead, Brisbane: 2013;
- Queensland Museum Curators of Cool Project Coordinator, Brisbane: 2013 ;
- QUT CI Faculty/Kelvin Grove State College/State Library of Qld Art and Design Excellence Program Coordinator: 2013 - 2014;
- Second Skin Queensland Academies Young Scholars Primary/Secondary School Fashion Design Workshop Program Co-Lead/Facilitator, Brisbane: 2012-2014;;; Aired on S3, Episode 50 Totally Wild, Channel 10, 14/5/2013
- QUT China Study Tour Co-Coordinator, Shanghai and Beijing: 2012
- goDesign Express Grey Street Exchange Secondary School Design Workshop Program, South Bank, Brisbane: 2012
- Kelvin Grove State College (KGSC) Sit-Art 60 Chair Challenge, Secondary School Interior Design Workshop Program Co-Director, The Myer Centre Food Court, Brisbane: 2012;;;;
- The Window Project Director, Artisan Gallery, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane: 2012-Present; ; ; ;
- State Library of Queensland Design Minds Website Project Delivery Team Member + Content Contributor: 2012-Present; ;
- State Library of Queensland Design Minds Professional Development Day for Teachers Speaker/Facilitator, Brisbane: 2012; ;
- DIA Qld Branch Council Immediate Past President and Education Chair: 2011 - 2014;
- goDesign Express Widening Learning and Participation Design Program Coordinator, Morayfield State High School, Nerangba Valley State High School: 2011
- DIA homegrown: 'life in the slow lane' 2011 Exhibition and Workshop Program Director/Curator, South Bank, Brisbane ;
- DIA homegrown: 'life in the slow lane' 2011 Slow Food Challenge Secondary School Design Workshop Coordinator/Facilitator, South Bank, Brisbane ;
- DIA homegrown: 'life in the slow lane' 2011 Zero Waste Clothing Challenge Secondary School Design Workshop Coordinator/Facilitator, South Bank, Brisbane;
- DIA homegrown: 'life in the slow lane' 2011 Bouncing Back Secondary School Design Workshop Coordinator/Facilitator, South Bank, Brisbane
- Kelvin Grove State College (KGSC) Designing Futures Artist-in-Residence Program 2011 Facilitator, Brisbane;
- State Library of Queensland (SLQ) APDL Design Generation Professional Development Day for Teachers Speaker and Facilitator, SLQ, Brisbane: 2011
- Monash University Interior Architecture 3rd Year Retail Design Elective Final Project Guest Critic, Melbourne: 2011
- DIA Representative IFI General Assembly & World Congress and QUT Study Tour Co-Cordinator, Taipei, Taiwan: 2011
- Unlimited: Designing for the Asia Pacific 2010 Generation Secondary School Student Workshops and Learning by Design Secondary School Teacher Workshops Co-Lead/Facilitator, SLQ Brisbane;
- Living City 2010 Secondary School Student Urban Design Workshop Program Co-Lead/Facilitator, Brisbane;
- DIA Qld Branch unleashed: roadshow finale 2010 Exhibition Director/Curator, SLQ Brisbane;
- goDesign Express Chinchilla State High School Cardboard Stool Pressure Test Annual Design Workshop Program Director/Facilitator, Brisbane: 2010-2014
- DIA Qld Branch unleashed: queensland design on tour 2010 Exhibition Director;
- godesign Regional Travelling Design Workshops for Secondary School Students Program Director/Chief Investigator: 2010; ; ; ;
- International Design Alliance (IDA) World Congress 2015 Brisbane Bid Feasibility Study Leader: 2010
- DIA design:action! Interior Design Workshop for Salvation Army Project - Curtin University & Central Institute of Technology, Perth - Workshop Facilitator: 2010
- Kyabra Community Association/QUT/DIA Design Action Livingin Independent Living Housing Project Director, Brisbane: 2009 – 2011
- Interior Design Educators Association (IDEA) Journal Referee: 2009
- DIA Representative IFI General Assembly & World Congress, Dubai: 2009
- DIA Qld Branch queensland design on show (qdos) Awards and Exhibition Executive Committee, Brisbane: 2003 – 2010
- RAIA Qld Chapter Brisbane Regional Awards Judge, Interior Architecture: 2008
- QUT Faculty BEE, Faculty Advisory Committee: 2005 – 2006
- Southbank Institute of Technology Curriculum Advisory Committee: 2006
- DIA Qld Branch Council Sponsorship Chair: 2005 – 2007
- DIA Qld Branch Council Interior Design Chair: 2003 – 2005
- DIA/AIS Equinox Interior Design Event Organising Committee: 2007 – 2009
- DIA/RAIA Grass Roots Forum Event Organising Committee, Brisbane: 2004 – 2005
- Brisbane City Council Sister Cities Committee Youth Delegation, Kobe Japan: 1994
Speaking Engagements
- CONASTA 65: Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) National Science Education Conference Speaker, Brisbane (with Dr Kathy Mackey): July 2016
- ACM Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’16) Conference QUT Design Lab Queensland Design Policy Summit, 'Design Education' Panellist, Brisbane: June 2016;
- QUT Design Directions Breakfast Seminar Invited Speaker, QUT Brisbane: July 2015
- Industrial Technology & Design Teachers Association (INTAD) State Conference ‘Design: Our Future’ Keynote Speaker, Toowomba: July 2015;
- INSEA2014 34th World Congress of the International Society for Education through Art Speaker, Melbourne (3 presentations with Les Hooper & Dr Kathy Mackey): July 2014.
- QUT Design Thinking in Higher Education Symposium Speaker, Brisbane: 2013
- QUT/Art & Humanities Research Council Connected Communities Research Network Higher Education, Creative Engagement & the Creative Economy: The Australia Experience Symposium Speaker, Brisbane: 2013;
- DIA DIAlogues Interrogation Forum 'Design Education' Panellist, Brisbane: 2013
- QPAC Out of the Box 'Connecting the Dots' Symposium Industry Forum Panellist, Brisbane: 2012
- dThink Design-led Thinking for Business, Education and Community Framework Research Project Presentation to Queensland Design Council, Brisbane: 2011
- Optimism ICOGRADA Design Week 2010 What is Design -led Business Day Panellist, Brisbane
- Optimism ICOGRADA Design Week 2010 Regional Meeting Invited Speaker, Brisbane
- DIA Bubble and Speak Breakfast Seminar Series Invited Speaker, Brisbane: 2010;
- Queensland Art Teachers Association (QATA) Connections Secondary Schools Inservice Day Invited Speaker, Brisbane: 2010
- DIA design:action! WA Branch Member Event Invited Speaker, Perth: 2010
- DIA design:action! Interior Design Workshop for Salvation Army Project - Curtin University & Central Institute of Technology, Perth - Invited Speaker
- International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers (IFI) General Assembly 2009 Australian Representative Speaker, Dubai, UAE
- Wright, N. & Wrigley, C. (2019). Broadening design-led education horizons: conceptual insights and future research directions. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(1), 1–23.
- Wright, N. & Davis, R. (2014). Educating the creative citizen: Design education programs in the knowledge economy. Techne Series: Research in Sloyd Education and Craft Science A, 21(2), 43–62.
- Duell, C., Wright, N. & Roxburgh, J. (2014). Developing 'design minds' for the 21st Century through a public sector initiated online design education platform. Design and Technology Education, 19(1), 62–74.
- Wright, N., Davis, B. & Bucolo, S. (2013). Knowledge economy market development mapping study.
- Franz, J., Gillett, C., Wright, N. & Hannaford, R. (2013). Motivations and intentions: a case study of design-led activism. Meanings of designed spaces, 417–430.
- Morehen, J., Wright, N. & Wrigley, C. (2013). Teaching design thinking and design led innovation to non-designers: a tertiary facilitator multidisciplinary study. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Tsinghua International Design Management Symposium, Shenzhen, 55–63.
- Wright, N., Davis, B. & Bucolo, S. (2013). The creative citizen: Understanding the value of design education programs in the knowledge economy. DRS//CUMULUS Oslo 2013: Proceedings from the 2nd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, 2230–2246.
- Anderson, N., Adam, R., Taylor, P., Madden, D., Melles, G., Kuek, C., Wright, N. & Ewens, B. (2014). Design thinking frameworks as transformative cross-disciplinary pedagogy: Final Report.
- Wright, N. & Wigg, A. (2010). Unleashed: Roadshow finale 2010 exhibition. Presented at: Unleashed: Roadshow finale 2010 exhibition.
- Wright, N., Jerome, K., Franz, J., Berry, M., Wigg, A., Scott, A., Crowther, P. & Hooper, L. (2010). goDesign travelling design workshop program for regional secondary students.