The Health Excellence AcceLerator (HEAL) in the QUT Design Lab is working with Clinical Excellence Queensland (CEQ) to bring design thinking to wicked problems across Queensland Health, with eighteen projects during 2020-2021.
The Healthcare Excellence AcceLerator (HEAL) is a collaboration hub, co-led by the QUT Design Lab and the Healthcare Improvement Unit at Clinical Excellence Queensland. HEAL is designed to act as a bridge between the QUT design and innovation community and Queensland Health, accelerating healthcare improvement efforts across the state.
Multiple QUT Design Lab members form the core HEAL team, bringing together expertise in inclusive design, participatory and co-design methodologies, design thinking and design led innovation, and the design, development and testing of health tech prototypes and therapeutic, healing environments, as well as visualisation and interaction technologies (augmented and virtual reality) for immersive experiences, training and education.
HEAL – the Healthcare Excellence AcceLerator – is designed to connect healthcare professionals across Queensland with designers, who will work together and use design approaches to transform thinking, spaces, places, processes and products, and positively transform healthcare.