Exercise Testing

E3 has access to world class facilities at the Queensland University of Technology including:

QUT Sports Field (FIFA Accredited) and Running Track


Laser timing gates are a valuable technology for sprinters and sportspeople in which speed or agility is a priority. Unlike a stopwatch, laser timing gates are consistently accurate and reliable.

GPS tracking technology can provide live or recorded player data such as distance travelled, speed, heart rate, and work rate indicators. This information can be used to infer the intensity of an exercise session and load on the body.

Motorised treadmill provides an accurate, measurable speed for participants required to walk or run in a research environment. The incline function can be used to increase exercise intensity.

Metabolic Testing

VO2 max testing assesses the maximum amount of oxygen a participant can use in one minute and is an indicator of cardiovascular fitness. This information can be used by anyone who is wanting to measure their aerobic endurance or monitor their progression. We use a Parvo TrueOne2400 system to measure metabolic variables. It is the system of choice at NASA and U.S. Olympic training centres and has proven to be reliable and accurate.


Stationary cycles are a valuable tool in sports medicine and exercise physiology research. The Exercise and Environmental Ergonomics Labs have access to specialised ergometers that can be used in a variety of testing protocols. The Lode Bicycle Ergometer (Excalibur Sport) is used in laboratories around the world due to its large workload range and heavy duty design. It is also compatible with a variety of measuring devices and software.

The Velotron Racermate Cycle Ergometer is the closest experience to cycling on-road. This realistic ergometer has a repeatability of ±0.2% or better and features smooth virtual gear shifting to alter resistance. The Wattbike Pro combines air and magnetic resistance for smaller, smoother increments in resistance. The incorporated polar view feature allows you to observe the force applied to each pedal stroke to improve efficiency and power output.

Muscular Function

The BIODEX System 3 Pro Dynamometer is considered the gold standard for assessing muscular force, torque and power. The system is capable of comprehensively testing most joints of the body, including the knee, ankle and hip. The Dynamometer can also be used for rehabilitation purposes.

Complementing the dynomometer use for force, torque and power, the Delseys Trigno portable EMG allows for physiological and biomechanical monitoring for our research projects.