
Leadership Team

  • Professor Ian Stewart

    Professor Stewart has a demonstrated history of working with industry and emergency first responder agencies in Australia and the USA. Expertise in exercise, occupational and environmental physiology research. Prof Stewart’s doctoral degree was conferred from the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) in May 2002, where he was awarded a...

  • Associate Professor Geoffrey Minett

    Dr Minett maintains research and professional interests in understanding the interactions between exercise performance and fatigue. This work includes laboratory based investigations, where environmental stressors are used to exacerbate underlying mechanisms, and applied field work, where the development of monitoring systems is key.

  • Dr Kelly Stewart

    Dr Kelly Stewart has bachelor degrees in Biochemistry/Physiology and Human Movement Studies. She has completed an Honours research year in Exercise Physiology and a Masters degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Kelly completed her PhD investigating bone & high performance athletes particularly triathletes. Her other research interests include aesthetic sports such...

Research Staff

  • Dr Andrew P. Hunt

    Dr Hunt’s research focuses on optimising human health and performance in extreme environments. Andrew received an Australian Postgraduate Award to complete his PhD studies at the Queensland University of Technology, investigating the heat strain experienced by surface mine workers. During his candidature Andrew also researched the effects of ballistic protective...

Research Students

Past Staff

Past Students