Professor Amanda Kennedy

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Professor, School of Law

Doctor of Philosophy (University of New England)

Amanda Kennedy (PhD, LLB (Hons 1), B.Com, Grad.Dip. Legal Practice, Grad. Cert. Law Teaching, Lawyer (NSW)) joined the Queensland University of Technology as a Professor of Law in 2019. She was previously the Deputy Director of the Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law at the University of New England (2007 - 2018). Amanda’s research interests fall predominantly within the area of agri-environmental law, and include:

  • resources and land use law
  • environmental justice
  • food systems governance

She has conducted funded research on these issues under Australian Research Council and other industry grants, and has published her work in both domestic and international journals and books, including a monograph with Routledge, Environmental Justice and Land Use Conflict: The Governance of Mineral and Gas Resource Development. Amanda has taught across undergraduate and postgraduate programs concerning environmental law and natural resource governance, mining and resource law, and has more recently been teaching in the field of animal law. She has recently contributed to a textbook on Environmental, Planning and Climate Law in Queensland. Amanda has completed a Graduate Certificate in Law Teaching through Monash University, and has received peer recognition for her teaching practice including the LexisNexis-Australasian Law Teachers Association Citation for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Law (2014), and the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law Emerging Scholar Education Award (2016). Amanda is currently the Co-Chair of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law’s Teaching and Capacity Building Committee, and has recently edited a monograph on teaching and learning in environmental law.

Additional information

Recipient of an Australia Council Grant or Australia Council Fellowship
Reference year
Discovery Early Career Researcher Award - 'Effective Systems for Managing Intractable Natural Resource Conflict'
Recipient of a Nationally Competitive Research Fellowship
Reference year
Innovation Grant - 'Rethinking law curriculum: developing strategies to prepare law graduates for practice in rural and regional Australia'.
Water and Coal Seam Gas: Achieving Integrated Governance
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year