ESG Higher Degree Research Students

We value the knowledge and expertise of our higher degree research students who are active contributors to our research community. We use our networks and experience to link our HDR students with government, industry and civil society to extend the impact of their research.

Featured Higher Degree Research Projects

  • Paul Perovic: Food for Thought: An Optimal Regulatory Mix for Food Waste in Australia
  • Monica Taylor: Striving for climate justice: The impact of climate change on civil law needs in Australia
  • Carla Fagundes Sangiovanni: The interaction of political, legal and social licenses to operate: A case study of mining development in Brazil
  • Nan Xia: Traditional Medical Knowledge (TMK), Intellectual Property and Pharmaceutical Innovation in China: Propose a Legal Framework Towards Effective Balance
  • Marcelo Feistosa de Paula Dias: Tracing Technologies for a more effective International Environmental Law