
This research project aims to empower people with a diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) in their self-care through a novel mobile application called MyFootCare. MyFootCare promotes self-care through a focus on personal goals, reminders to enact care and novel visual analytics including digital images and self-reported symptoms, to allow patients and their clinicians to track their healing progress.

This project brings together leading experts in DFU care, imaging, and human-computer interaction from across four partner organisations: Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Diabetic Foot Australia and Wound Innovations.



Funding / Grants

  • The Prince Charles Hospital Foundation

Other Team Members

  • Dr Ross Brown (QUT)
  • Dr Joel Harman (QUT)
  • Mr Damien Clark (QUT, MNHHS)
  • Dr Peter Lazzarini (QUT, MNHHS)
  • A/Prof Jaap van Netten (Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, QUT)
  • Mr Jason Warnock (MNHHS)
