The Ambient Birdhouse

A key technology developing through the Ambient Nature Network is the Ambient Birdhouse:

The Ambient Birdhouse is an interactive presentation device delivering sounds and videos using a Raspberry Pi computer, an RFID reader, and an attached touch screen and speaker, housed in a wooden frame reminiscent of a birdhouse.

Users have three points of interaction with content:

  • The BH website, which enables uploading, sharing, and commenting on videos, as well as choosing which videos to add to a local Birdhouse.
  • RFID cards that could be assigned videos, and then tapped to the Birdhouse casing to play the video. A special RFID card could also be used to switch ‘channels’.
  • The BH touchscreen, which could be used to play and scrub through visualisations of long-duration acoustic recordings.

Work exploring the use of the Ambient Birdhouse within families and communities can be found here:

Alessandro Soro, Margot Brereton, Tshering Dema, Jessica L. Oliver, Min Zhen Chai, Aloha May Hufana Ambe. 2018. The Ambient Birdhouse: An IoT device to discover birds and engage with nature. In Proceedings of the CHI ’18: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Montreal, Canada.

Tshering Dema, Margot Brereton, Michael Esteban, Alessandro Soro, Sherub Sherub, Paul Roe. 2020. Designing in the network of relations for species conservation: The playful Tingtibi community Birdhouse. In Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA. 1–14.

Kellie Vella, Michael Esteban, Bernd Ploderer, Margot Brereton, Networked Gardens: Remediating Local Nature Data Through the Internet of Things, in Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2022, Association for Computing Machinery: Virtual Event, Australia. p. 1597–1611.