Project dates: 01/02/2020 - Ongoing
This project aims to support the school, library, and book industries to increase teenagers’ recreational reading. Matching the right book to the right reader is essential to increase young people’s motivation to read. Yet how cultural intermediaries should operate to best effect within the complex ecologies that shape young people’s text selection is unclear. The project expects to generate robust evidence on how teens discover books and the cultural factors that influence their choices. Expected outcomes include strategies that libraries, schools, and the book industry can use to promote Australian content for young adults, and equip young people to participate more fully in the social and economic benefits of pleasure reading.
The DMRC is leading an exploration of the digital ecology of teen reading for the project.
DMRC research program
This project contributes to the research within the following DMRC research program:
Creating Better Digital Futures
Project team
- Leonie Rutherford (Project Lead)
- Professor Michael Dezuanni
- Amy Schoonens
- Dr Mark Piccini
- Katya Johanson
- Andrew Singleton
- Donald Matheson
Project funding
- ARC Linkage Project