A cultural atlas of Australia

This project presents the first national survey of narrative space spanning Australian novels, films and plays by drawing together critical perspectives from theatre, film and literary studies to examine locations in narrative fiction. The major outcomes of this project are:

  • The Cultural Atlas of Australia: an interactive digital map that displays the places and locations that appear in iconic Australian films, novels, and plays.
  • Imagined Landscapes: Geovisualizing Australian Spatial Narratives (Indiana UP: 2016): A co-authored scholarly book that teams geocritical analysis with digital visualization techniques to present an integrated perspective on the translation of space across narrative forms and pioneer new ways of seeing and understanding landscape.

Project team


  • Professor Peta Mitchell
  • Associate Professor Jane Stadler, University of Queensland
  • Dr Stephen Carleton, University of Queensland

Project funding

  • ARC Discovery Project (2011-2014)