Program Leader
Prof Daniel Angus
Centre Director
Chief Investigators
Dist Prof Jean Burgess
Associate Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society
Assoc Prof Timothy Graham
Program Leader - Computational Communication & Culture
Dr Bernadette Hyland-Wood
Lecturer - Master of Digital Communication, School of Communication
Prof Nicolas Suzor
Professor, Law Faculty
Prof Patrik Wikstrom
Professor, School of Communication
Associate Investigators
Mr Danny Hui
Affiliate Investigators
Dr Michael Chataway
Lecturer, Faculty of Law
Prof Marek Kowalkiewicz
Founding Director
Assoc Prof Richi Nayak
Associate Professor, Science and Engineering Faculty
Dr Marissa Takahashi
Manager, Digital Observatory
Centre Research Staff
Ashwin Nagappa
Sessional Academic / Research Assistant
Xue Ying (Jane) Tan
Software Engineer
Laura Vodden
Data Scientist
HDR students
Dominique Carlon
PhD Candidate | Thesis - The life stories of bots in Reddit’s platform culture
Kunal Chand
PhD Candidate | Thesis - Unveiling the Artificial Intelligence “Black Box”: A study into how artificial intelligence systems profile users based on their data and how these systems work.
Sean Di Lizio
PhD Candidate | Thesis - Imaginary containers and imaginary coins: e-publishing using smart contracts
Caroline Gardam
PhD Student | Thesis: Climate change "hoax" hashtags on Instagram: multimodal discursive practices in social media mis/disinformation posts
Carly Lubicz-Zaorski
PhD Candidate | Thesis - Mapping the dynamics of Australian climate change partisanship and polarisation within online news-sharing spaces
Ashwin Nagappa
Sessional Academic / Research Assistant
Shaneen Page
MPhil Student | Thesis - Digital Natives go Analogue: How is Gen Z using Tiktok to discover craft and build a fashion commons?
Dr Tariq Segal
PhD Candidate | Thesis - My digital ‘friend’: Design considerations when deploying chatbots in trusted companionship roles
Jiaru Tang
PhD candidate | Thesis Title: Investigating Artificial Intelligence-generated Content Production in the Chinese Platform Economy
Daniel Whelan-Shamy
PhD Candidate | Thesis: The Emergent Properties of Latent Space: Generative Artificial Intelligence and Simulation in New Computational Culture
Jasper Vermeulen
PhD Candidate | Thesis - Understanding Human Factors that Shape Human-Robot Collaboration
Laura Vodden
PhD Candidate | Thesis - Augmented Insight: Leveraging Large Language Models for Analysis of Polarised Discourse on Social Issues in News Content
Guangnan (Rio) Zhu
PhD Candidate l Thesis - A Multimodal Computational Framework for Detection and Analysis of Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour on Twitter