Publications by classification
Education |
Publications by year
PhD (University of Queensland), MEd (Loyola University), BEdSt (University of Queensland), DipT (Brisbane College of Adv. Ed.)
Fields of Expertise
- Education Systems
- Linguistics
- Sociology
- Health Communication
- Pragmatics
- PhD (Interaction and Social Order in Preschool), 1998, The University of Queensland, Australia
- Master of Education (Early Childhood), 1989, Loyola University, USA
- Bachelor of Educational Studies, 1983, The University of Queensland, Australia
Current Positions 2012 – 2017 Australian Research Council Future Fellow School of Early Childhood, Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology 2016 – 2018 Australian Research Council College of Experts School of Early Childhood, Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology 2016 – present Professor/Co-Program Leader Childhoods in Changing Contexts, Queensland University of Technology
Selected Project Experience 2012 – 2016 Investigating mobile technologies in young children’s everyday worlds, Chief Investigator, Australian Research Council, FT120100731, $889,426 2014 – 2015 Helping young children find their voice: Apps, e-therapy, and technical innovation to treat language disorders in children, Chief Investigator, QUT Engagement Innovation Grant, $30,000 2011 – 2013 Interacting with knowledge, interacting with people: Web searching in early childhood, Chief Investigator, Australian Research Council, DP110104227, $464,971 2007 – 2009 The impact of technological modality on troubles telling and advice giving on a national children’s helpline, Chief Investigator, Australian Research Council, DP0773185, $175,000 Awards and Fellowships 2016 Keynote speaker, Varieties and Methodological Challenges in Educational Ehnography International Workshop, University of Zurich, Switzerland. 2009 QUT Nominee for Postgraduate Program, Australian Learning and Teaching Awards 1999 1998 Early Childhood Australia Doctoral Thesis Award Australian Association for Research in Education Doctoral Thesis Award Professional Affiliations (memberships) Australian Association for Research in Education American Educational Research Association Early Childhood Australia International Institute of Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis International Society for Conversation Analysis Australian Institute for Ethnomethodology and Conversation Analysis International Pragmatics Association Recent Publications
Please refer to QUT for full publication list-,_Susan.html Ekberg, S., Danby, S., Davidson, C., & Thorpe, K. J. (accepted, 23 September 2015). Identifying and addressing equivocal trouble in understanding within classroom interaction. Discourse Studies. Davidson, C., Danby, S., Given, L. M., & Thorpe, K. (accepted September 2015). Facilitating young children's use of the Web in preschool. International Journal of Early Childhood. Danby, S., Davidson, C., Theobald, M., Houen, S., & Thorpe, K. (in press, 2015). Playing with technology: Young children making sense of technology as part of their everyday social worlds. In D. Pike, S. Lynch, & C. A'Beckett (Eds.), State of Play: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Play: Springer. Danby, S., Davidson, C., Given, L. M., & Thorpe, K. (in press, 2015). Composing an email: Social interaction in a preschool classroom. In S. Garvis & N. Lemon (Eds.), Technology and young children. Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Davidson, C., Danby, S., Given, L. M., & Thorpe, K. (2014). Talk about a YouTube video in preschool: The mutual production of shared understanding for learning with digital technology. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 39(3), 76-83. Thorpe, K., Hansen, J., Danby, S., Davidson, C., Zaki, F. M., Grant, S., . . . Given, L. M. (2015). Teachers, Teaching and Digital Technologies: Reports from the Early Childhood Classroom. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32, 174-`182. doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2015.04.001 Danby, S., Davidson, C., Theobald, M., Scriven, B., Cobb-Moore, C., Houen, S., . . . Thorpe, K. (2013). Talk in activity during young children’s use of digital technologies at home. Australian Journal of Communication, 40(2), 83-99. Spink, A., Danby, S., Mallan, K., & Butler, C. W. (2010). Exploring young children’s web searching and technoliteracy. Journal of Documentation, 66(2), 191-206. Biography Professor Susan Danby’s areas of expertise are in early years language and social interaction, childhood studies, and early literacy. Her methodological expertise is in qualitative approaches, including ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. She has published in the following areas: qualitative research, classroom discourse, helpline talk, gender, classroom interaction, early childhood education pedagogy, talk and interaction, children's work and play, teacher-student interactions. Susan Danby has a number of research projects, including an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship investigating young children's experiences of mobile technologies in home and school contexts, and Australian Research Council (ARC) Discoveries (20011-2013: young children's interactions with digital technologies and knowledge building; 2007-2009: helpline interactions on a national children’s helpline; 2006-2008: social worlds of twins and friendships) and one investigating young children's participation in everyday decision-making (2004-2006). These cross-disciplinary ARC Discoveries reside in Education, Linguistics and Psychology, and the national priority areas of Early Years and E-health. Her research explicates the everyday social and interactional practices of children, showing their complex and competent work as they build their social worlds within school settings, homes and communities. Susan Danby’s doctoral thesis won the 1999 Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Doctoral Thesis Award ,and the 1999 Australian Early Childhood Association (AECA) and Telstra’s Doctoral Thesis Award. Susan Danby’s teaching leadership is recognised in higher education pedagogy and doctoral course design. In 2007, the Faculty of Education has invited her to lead a faculty-wide review of the postgraduate courses in the Faculty of Education and she led the development of the revised Master of Education. She coordinates, leads and teaches in University-wide postgraduate research student development programs and actively mentors early career academic staff. She has a strong record of postgraduate student completions, with over 10 doctoral completions. She has been a member of university governing committees (QUT Council, QUT Academic Board, QUT Research Degrees Committee) responsible for policy and implementation in research and university governance. Professor Danby is a current member of the Australian Research Council College of Experts.
Projects (Chief investigator)
Additional information
- Type
- Recipient of a Nationally Competitive Research Fellowship
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Australian Research Council Future Fellow (2012-2016): Project Title: Investigating mobile technologies in young children?s everyday worlds External Reference : FT120100731 Years Awarded: 2012 - 2016 Total Funding Awarded: $889,328
- Type
- Membership of Review Panels on Prestigious Grant Applications
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Appointed to ARC College of Experts (2016-2018). Australian Research Council (2007-2015) reviewer for ARC Discovery, Linkage, DECRA, Future Fellow and Laureate applications in the national priority areas of Early Years, E-Health and Healthy Start to Life, spanning education, psychology, health, language and communication, social sciences, qualitative theories and metholodgies. Invited reviewer of grant application for the Dutch Research Council (2014).
- Type
- Assessor, Examiner or Supervisor Role
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- ERA Peer Reviewer (2012, 2015) in Education and Human Society (EHS).
- Type
- Assessor, Examiner or Supervisor Role
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- My PhD students are recognised with international and national awards: Australian Association for Research in Education Graduate Student Paper Award (Houen, 2014); Early Childhood Australia Thesis Award (Busch, 2012); The International Conference on Conversation Analysis Associate De Gruyter Poster Award, Germany (Busch, 2010); American Sociological Association Ethnomethodology & Conversation Division Graduate Paper (runner-up), USA (Theobald, 2009).
- Type
- Advisor/Consultant for Industry
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- My professional experiences as a teacher and education coordinator in Australia and the USA in government, not-for-profit organisations and social services agencies provided foundational experiences in industry. My social justice agenda was framed within these experiences, and continues in my current work. Recent organisations I have conducted collaborative research studies with include Kids Helpline/BoysTown; Education Queensland (co-authored a report which led to preparatory schooling in Queensland - 2003-2004); Catholic Education; Royal Children's Hospital; Lady Cilento Hospital (investigating palliative paediatric consultations with family members where a child has a life-limiting condition); The Gowrie; Creche and Kindergarten Association; CHI.L.D/Let's Talk Developmental Hub (investigating face-to-face and e-therapy delivery with young clients); Queensland Commission for Children and Young People (co-authored a report); Queensland Health (co-authored a report); Queensland Departm
- Type
- Editorial Role for an Academic Journal
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Editorial Boards: Journal of Early Childhood Literacy (international journal published by Sage); Childhoods Today (international journal); Linguistics and Education (international journal); Children & Society (international journal).Previous editoral member of: Australian Journal of Language and Literacy.Co-guest editor of special issues for: Twin Research and Human Genetics (December 2005: "The social worlds of twins"); Child Indicators Research (2010); Children & Society (2010).I am regularly invited to contribute to special issues, for example: Australian Educational Researcher (first special issue on early childhood, 2005); Research on Language and Social Interaction (first special issue on helplines, 2007); Australian Journal of Communication (first special issue of Australian research on social interaction using ethnomethodology/conversation analysis, 2009); Journal of Pragmatics (2015).
- Type
- Keynote Speaker/Expert Panel Member/Invited Speaker for a Conference
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Invited to present keynotes in many national and international forums, including: Varieties and Methodological Challenges in Ethnographic Research in Education Workshop (presented at University of Teacher Education Zurich workshop, 2016 - workshop funded by Swiss Research Council); European Sociological Association RN20 Midterm Conference (Crakow, 2016); AIEMCA Plenary Speaker (Melbourne, 2016); Enhancing Early Years Research and Practice Series, Strathclyde Knowledge Exchange Scheme and School of Education (University of Strathclyde, 2015); Playful Learning Centre (University of Helsinki, 2015); COST/ECIL/DigLitEY Conference (University of Tallinn, Estonia, 2015 - presentation funded by EU); Early Start Conference, Early Start Research Institute (University of Wollongong, 2015); LEAPS (QUT/Queensland Health/C&K Association, 2015); Department of Child Studies (Linkoping University, 2015); Plenary Speaker (Imagining Childhoods International Conference, Alice Springs); Invited Symposium
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- PhD thesis recognised as being the first in the Early Education discipline to bring understandings of peer's social interactions of preschool-aged children (through the Early Childhood Australia PhD thesis award (1998) and AARE Doctoral Thesis Award (1998)). Recipient of QUT Outstanding Academic Contribution Award (Teaching) (2004 - for work in Education) and the QUT Faculty of Education Research Supervision Award (2015).QUT nominee for: Teaching Excellence (Social Sciences) (Carrick Awards, 2006, 2007); Programs that Enhance Learning (Carrick Awards, 2008); Postgraduate Program (Australian Learning and Teaching Council Awards, 2009).
- Type
- Visiting Professorships/Fellowships
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Invited international scholar to the Department of Child Studies, Linkoping University, Sweden, for the 20th jubilee of the Department. Invited presentation, Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden.Invited expert in higher education research, policy and practice at University of Technology Sydney; University of Otago, Sweden; Australian Catholic University; Linkoping University, Sweden. I have regularly been invited to speak at international institutions on aspects of career development and successful research writing for grants and publications (e.g. Otago University, 2009-2013). Repeat invitations as international visiting scholar and external assessor attest to my strong personal and professional networks, excellent communication skills and working effectively with others.
- Type
- Assessor, Examiner or Supervisor Role
- Reference year
- 2016
- Details
- Invitations to examine national and international theses from: University of Queensland; Griffith University; Monash University; Victoria University of Wellington, NZ; University of Stockholm, Sweden; Uppsala University, Sweden; University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.External assessor of academic promotions and probations for: Griffith University; Australian National University; Universiti Sains Malaysia.External assessor for the University of Otago (Stockholm, Sweden) Doctor of Education program (2009-2013).
- Danby, S. & Baker, C. (1998). How to be Masculine in the Block Area. Childhood, 151–175.
- Butler, C., Potter, J., Danby, S., Emmison, M. & Hepburn, A. (2010). Advice-implicative interrogatives: Building 'client-centered' support in a children's helpline. Social Psychology Quarterly, 73(3), 265–287.
- Danby, S., (2009). Childhood and social interaction in everyday life: An epilogue. Journal of Pragmatics, 41(8), 1596–1599.
- Butler, C., Danby, S., Emmison, M. & Thorpe, K. (2009). Managing medical advice seeking in calls to Child Health Line. Sociology of Health and Illness, 31(6), 817–834.
- Danby, S. & Farrell, A. (2004). Accounting for Young Children's Competence In Educational Research: New Perspectives on Research Ethics. Australian Educational Researcher, 31(3), 35–49.
- Danby, S. & Thorpe, K. (2006). Compatibility and Conflict: Negotiation of Relationships by Dizygotic Same Sex Twin Girls. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 9(1), 103–112.
- Emmison, M. & Danby, S. (2007). Troubles Announcements and Reasons for Calling: Initial Actions in Opening Sequences in Calls to a National Children's Helpline. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 40(1), 63–87.
- Mason, J. & Danby, S. (2011). Children as experts in their lives: Child inclusive research [Editorial Introduction]. Child Indicators Research, 4(2), 185–189.
- Danby, S., Ewing, L. & Thorpe, K. (2011). The novice researcher: Interviewing young children. Qualitative Inquiry, 17(1), 74–84.
- Emmison, M., Butler, C. & Danby, S. (2011). Script proposals: A device for empowering clients in counselling. Discourse Studies, 13(1), 3–26.
- Title
- ARC Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child (ACDC)
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- CE200100022
- Start year
- 2021
- Keywords
- early childhhood; longitudinal study; digital engagement; professional development; digital practice
- Title
- Extraordinary Yet Mundane Talk: Children Navigating Palliative Care
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- DP180101941
- Start year
- 2018
- Keywords
- Title
- Investigating mobile technologies in young children's everyday worlds
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- FT120100731
- Start year
- 2012
- Keywords
- Early Childhood; Preschool; Children; Early Childhood Contexts; Play; Family
- Title
- Interacting with Knowledge, Interacting with People: Web Searching in Early Childhood
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- DP110104227
- Start year
- 2011
- Keywords
- Preschool Early Childhood Social Interaction Knowledge Searching
- Title
- Compromised or competent? A longitudinal study of twin children's social competencies friendships and behavioural adjustment
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- DP0666254
- Start year
- 2006
- Keywords
- Twins; Early Childhood Education; Social and Emotional Wellbeing; Preschool
- Mothering Infants in a Digital Age: Digital Dilemmas and Social Interaction
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Adjunct Associate Professor Margaret Kettle - EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER PATHWAYS: A NARRATIVE INQUIRY
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Maryanne Theobald, Professor Christine Bruce - Enacting Care Pedagogy with Infants: Early Childhood Educators' Perspectives
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Associate Professor Sonia White - Young Children on the Autism Spectrum: Using digital technology in daily living
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Beth Saggers
- Children's Perspectives of Play in an Early Childhood Classroom (2017)
- Kindergarten Teachers' Work and a New Quality Agenda (2017)
- Teacher Talk: "I wonder..." Request Designs (2017)
- Environmental Education through Listening to Children (2012)
- Gifted Young Adolescents: Voices of Self (2011)
- The Social Orders of Family Mealtime (2011)
- Gender Equity Policies in Higher Education in Japan (2010)
- Negotiating social and moral order in Internet Relay Chat (2009)
- Participation and Social Order in the Playground (2009)