Assoc Prof Stephen Harrington

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Discipline Leader, School of Communication

Doctor of Philosophy, CIF (Queensland University of Technology), B. of Creative Industries (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology)

Stephen Harrington is an Associate Professor and head of Journalism and Professional Communication in the Creative Industries Faculty at QUT. A member of the Digital Media Research Centre, his work focuses on popular media (and satire in particular) as evolving forms of journalism practice, and understanding how these contemporary innovations shape and affect the relationships between ordinary citizens and politics. He is author of Australian TV News: New Forms, Functions, and Futures (Intellect, 2013), editor of Entertainment Values: How Do We Assess Entertainment, and Why Does it Matter? (Palgrave, 2017), and co-Author of Politics, Media and Democracy in Australia: Public and Producer Perceptions of the Political Public Sphere (Routledge, 2017). He also writes regularly about the media, politics and popular culture in non-academic outlets, having done so for publications such as The Punch (News Ltd. opinion site), The Conversation, the ABC’s The DrumCrikey!, and Pedestrian. Stephen is a former Chair (2016-2018) of the International Communication Association (ICA) Popular Communication division, and is a member of the editorial board of Journalism Studies.

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Politics, media and democracy in Australia: public and producer perceptions of the political public sphere
Primary fund type
CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
Project ID
Start year
public sphere; citizenship; journalism