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Doctor in Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology)
Ariadna Matamoros-Fernández is a Senior Lecturer in Digital Media in the School of Communication at QUT, chief investigator at the Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC) and Associate Investigator at the national ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society. She holds a Ph.D. in Digital Media from the Queensland University of Technology (2018), a MA from the Digital Methods Initiative, University of Amsterdam, and a BA in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Her research focuses on the entanglement between digital platforms and user practices in (re)producing systemic inequality. She has experience in developing new methods to study digital platforms and is leading research projects investigating platform governance in relation to memes and other controversial content, which includes cross-disciplinary collaborations with scholars from law and data science. Her research has been published in Information, Communication & Society, International Journal of Communication, Convergence and other international, peer-reviewed journals.
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- Matamoros-Fernandez, A., (2020). 'El Negro de WhatsApp' meme, digital blackface, and racism on social media. First Monday, 25(1).
- Gillespie, T., Aufderheide, P., Carmi, E., Gerrard, Y., Gorwa, R., Matamoros-Fernandez, A., Roberts, S., Sinnreich, A. & West, S. (2020). Expanding the debate about content moderation: Scholarly research agendas for the coming policy debates. Internet Policy Review, 9(4), 1–29.
- Rieder, B., Coromina, O. & Matamoros-Fernandez, A. (2020). Mapping YouTube: A quantitative exploration of a platformed media system. First Monday, 25(8).
- Baulch, E., Matamoros-Fernandez, A. & Johns, A. (2020). Introduction: Ten years of WhatsApp: The role of chat apps in the formation and mobilization of online publics. First Monday, 25(1).
- Rieder, B., Matamoros Fernandez, A. & Coromina, O. (2018). From ranking algorithms to 'ranking cultures': Investigating the modulation of visibility in YouTube search results. Convergence, 24(1), 50–68.
- Matamoros Fernandez, A., (2018). Inciting anger through Facebook reactions in Belgium: The use of emoji and related vernacular expressions in racist discourse. First Monday, 23(9), 1–20.
- Dragiewicz, M., Burgess, J., Matamoros Fernandez, A., Salter, M., Suzor, N., Woodlock, D. & Harris, B. (2018). Technology facilitated coercive control: Domestic violence and the competing roles of digital media platforms. Feminist Media Studies, 18(4), 609–625.
- Matamoros Fernandez, A., (2017). Platformed racism: the mediation and circulation of an Australian race-based controversy on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Information, Communication and Society, 20(6), 930–946.
- Ben-David, A. & Matamoros Fernandez, A. (2016). Hate speech and covert discrimination on social media: monitoring the Facebook pages of extreme-right political parties in Spain. International Journal of Communication, 10, 1167–1193.
- Burgess, J. & Matamoros Fernandez, A. (2016). Mapping sociocultural controversies across digital media platforms: one week of #gamergate on Twitter, YouTube, and Tumblr. Communication Research and Practice, 2(1), 79–96.
- You might like this, but at what cost? Considering the social responsibilities of digital platforms' recommender systems
PhD, Principal Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Nicolas Suzor - Decoding the Political Ideology of Internet Meme Subcultures Using Pragmasemiotic Methods
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Jean Burgess, Professor Daniel Angus