Abdul is well-versed in machine learning, topic modelling, sentiment analysis, statistical analysis, and the use of probabilistic programming languages among other topics. He has applied these skills in industry and imparted them onto other analysts in Masters-level courses at QUT. Abdul has also taught in webdev, specifically frontend and backend development and design. He has published many software applications and has worked directly with hardware engineers in IoT communication technologies, building integrated cloud infrastructures for low-energy devices. In 2017, he was awarded his honours at QUT, for investigating influencer marketing techniques through rigorous psychometric analysis of social media. Since then, he has conceived robust scraping and storage methods, supplementing his advisory role at a Brisbane-based tech startup. More recently, Abdul has begun research in the field of quantum cognition, a growing field that uses quantum probability calculus to understand cognitive processes. In his studies, Abdul enjoys combinatorics, graph theory, matrix algebra, and linear optimisation. He has published and co-authored many research articles, two being accepted into top-ranking journals, and is involved in ongoing collaborations with the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. He is concluding his PhD candidature of the School of Information Systems at QUT.