Exploring the Impact of Generative AI in Digital Media, with DMRC HDR Phoebe Matich

In an insightful exploration of generative AI, DMRC HDR Phoebe Matich and former DMRC member Dr. T.J. Thomson have co-authored a compelling study that delves into the evolving dynamics of AI technologies in contemporary media practices. Generative Visual AI in News Organizations: Challenges, Opportunities, Perceptions, and Policies, published in Digital Journalism,  meticulously examines the implications and potentials of generative AI, mapping its influence across different facets of digital media and communication. The study is a significant contribution to understanding how these advanced technologies are reshaping the landscape of digital interaction and content creation.

This impactful research was made possible through the support of the DMRC’s 2023 Project Support Scheme, highlighting the Centre’s commitment to fostering innovative research in digital media. Congratulations Phoebe and T.J!