DMRC's Dr. Katharina Esau Awarded Prestigious Fellowship at The New Institute in Hamburg

Congratulations to Dr. Katharina Esau who has been awarded a Research Fellowship at The New Institute in Hamburg. From September through December 2023, she will collaborate with Prof. Michael Brüggemann and his team in the program “Depolarising Public Debates” and develop innovative methods to measure and compare the level of news polarisation within the media landscapes of Australia, Germany, and other countries. The focus of her project will be on contentious societal issues like climate change, aiming to foster strategies and tools for depolarising online public debates.

The fellowship promises groundbreaking methods and results for the field of polarisation research and will establish collaborations between DMRC’s Research Stream News Polarisation, The New Institute, The University of Hamburg, and the Leibniz Institute for Media Research.

Congratulations Katharina!