The DMRC welcomes Ane Kathrine Gammelby

Photo of Ane Gammelby

The DMRC welcomes our newest visiting research fellow Ane Kathrine Gammelby, who will be with us until March 23. Ane Kathrine is in the process of finishing her dissertation at Aarhus University, Denmark. Her visit to the DMRC has included participation in the 2018 DMRC Summer School.

During her time here, Ane Kathrine will be working on an article addressing the methodological implications of privileging digital data as objects of study when researching laypersons’ online practices of mending their health by using Facebook groups. Furthermore, she will be co-authoring a book chapter with Katrin Tiidenberg and Lea Muldtofte for an edited collection titled “Mediated Interfaces: representation, presentation, and embodiment online”, edited by Carolina Cambre, Crystal Abidin, and Katie Warfield. Welcome Ane Kathrine!