DMRC welcomes Dr Rebekah Willett

The DMRC welcomes visiting scholar Rebekah Willett from October 30 to November 3rd, 2017. Dr Willett is an Assistant Professor of Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

She currently teaches courses on young adult literature, multicultural literature for children and young adults, informational divides, and online participatory cultures. She has conducted research on children’s media cultures, focusing on issues of play, literacy, identity, and learning. Her publications include work on makerspaces, playground games, amateur camcorder cultures, online gaming, and children’s story writing. Key publications include the following books: Children, media and playground cultures: Ethnographic studies of school playtimes (2013), Home Truths? Video Production and Domestic Life (2010), Video Cultures: Media Technology and Amateur Creativity (2009). Play, Creativity and Digital Cultures (2008) and Digital Generations: Children, Young People and New Media (2006). 

Dr Willett will be a featured speaker for At Home With Digital Media, which takes place on November 2nd and 3rd.