Doctor of Philosophy (Queensland University of Technology), Graduate Diploma of Science (Mathematics) (University of Southern Qld), Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education (Central Queensland University), Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) (Queensland University of Technology)
Sarah is Strategic Lead for Learning & Teaching Development, Impact and Recognition within QUT’s Academy of Learning and Teaching (QALT) and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering. Immediately prior to this, Sarah lectured and coordinated large undergraduate mathematics and engineering subjects, while also providing student support through one-to-one consultations, drop-in sessions, workshops, and embedded resources as a STEM Educator in the Student Success Group.
Sarah’s commitment to learning and teaching excellence has been recognised by several awards. This includes citations from the Australasian Association for Engineering Education and Australian Awards for University Teaching, the Early Career Teaching Excellence Award from the Australian Mathematical Society, and Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
Sarah’s background is in modelling and simulation, having completed her PhD investigating red blood cell shape and deformability from a numerical modelling perspective. Although Sarah continues to teach subjects aligned to her technical background, she has transitioned to conducting educational research. Her interests are in engineering and maths education, educational technology, and academic development. She is open to higher degree research supervisions aligned to these research directions.
Sarah's most significant research project to date has been investigating the impact of worked example videos as part of blended learning designs. Her YouTube channel, houses many of the video resources produced through this project. More recently, Sarah has focused on studying capability development of engineering education researchers and engineering educators. This has been supported by research grants from the Australasian Association for Engineering Education and QUT's Women in Research scheme.
(Updated February 2023)
Additional information
Employment History:
- Strategic Lead of Learning & Teaching Development, Impact and Recognition / Senior Lecturer | Learning & Teaching Unit / School of Mechanical, Medical and Process Engineering, QUT | 2021 - Present
- Lecturer in Learning & Teaching Development, Impact and Recognition | Learning & Teaching Unit, QUT | 2020 - 2021
- STEM Educator / Lecturer in Mathematics & Engineering | Learning & Teaching Unit / Science & Engineering Faculty, QUT | 2018-2019
- Sessional Academic Success Advisor | Learning & Teaching Unit, QUT | 2016-2017
- Sessional Academic in Engineering | Science & Engineering Faculty, QUT | 2010-2012 & 2014-2017
- Graduate Well Engineer | BG Group | 2013-2014
Key Research Achievements:
- Best Research Paper at Australasian Association for Engineering Education Conference | 2022 | Representation of future-focused teaching capabilities in selection criteria used to recruit Australian engineering academics
- QUT Women in Research Grant | Lead Investigator | Systematic literature review of engineering education research capability development | 2023-2024
- Guest Editor | Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, Special Issue on Engineering Education Research Capability Development | 2022-2023
- Australasian Association for Engineering Education Research Grant | Lead Investigator | Engineering educator capability and capacity: How do we accelerate implementation of best practice to meet the 2035 vision for engineering education? | 2021-2022
- Australian Council of Engineering Deans of Information and Communications Technology Grant | Co-Investigator | An Automated Academic Integrity Detective Uncovering ICT Assignments Shared Online | 2021-2023
- Council of Australasian University Leaders in Learning and Teaching Grant | Co-Investigator | Supporting all disciplines to transition to Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | 2021-2022
- Dart, S., Trad, S. & Blackmore, K. (2021). Navigating the path from technical engineering to engineering education research: A conceptual model of the transition process. European Journal of Engineering Education, 46(6), 1076–1091. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/213795
- Dart, S., Cunningham-Nelson, S. & Dawes, L. (2020). Understanding student perceptions of worked example videos through the technology acceptance model. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 28(5), 1278–1290. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/202678
- Dart, S., Pickering, E. & Dawes, L. (2020). Worked example videos for blended learning in undergraduate engineering. Advances in Engineering Education, 8(2), 1–22. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/200075
- Dart, S. & Spratt, B. (2020). Personalised emails in first-year mathematics: Exploring a scalable strategy for improving student experiences and outcomes. Student Success, 11(2), 1–12. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/204979
- Dart, S., (2022). Evaluating the impact of worked example videos for blended learning in a large-enrolment business statistics course. Statistics Education Research Journal, 21(1). https://eprints.qut.edu.au/213796
- Dart, S. & Woodlands, L. (2022). Modelling learner engagement through Zoom: Using situated learning to develop educator capabilities in synchronous online teaching. In MG. Jamil & D. Morley (Eds.), Agile Learning Environments amid Disruption: Evaluating Academic Innovations in Higher Education during COVID-19. Palgrave Macmillan. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/235710
PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Abby Cathcart, Associate Professor Henk Huijser