Doctor of Philosophy (University of Sydney), Master of Learning Sciences and Technology (University of Sydney), Master of Business (with Distinction) (University of Newcastle), Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (University of Newcastle), Bachelor of Training and Development (University of New England)
Dr Natasha Arthars joined QUT in 2022 as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Teacher Education and Leadership (STEL).
Natasha holds a PhD in Education from the University of Sydney, Master of Learning Sciences and Technology (Research) from the University of Sydney, Master of Business from the University of Newcastle, Bachelor of Training and Development from the University of New England, and numerous Vocational Education and Training qualifications, including a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.
Natasha’s research centres on understanding and enhancing the development of skills and construction of knowledge within vocational and higher education settings and supporting students to transition to work. This includes exploring innovative methods to leverage educational technology to enhance student engagement and enrich learning experiences. Her approach is characterised by a strong emphasis on participatory design and an ecological perspective, ensuring that solutions align with the real needs of students and educators. Her work has been disseminated in 17 publications attracting 160 citations. Her collaborative work on the Student Relationship Engagement System (SRES) received an Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) Citation for outstanding contribution to student learning.
Natasha’s interest in vocational education and training (VET) stems from a professional background managing and training in VET programs since 2008 and her own tertiary education journey, which started with a Traineeship where she completed a Certificate III in Business Administration (Legal) at a law firm in 2003. She currently holds an Executive Committee Member position with the Australasian Vocational Education and Training Research Association (AVETRA). Natasha also leads the Training and Skills with Technology theme at QUT’s Digital Learning for Change (DL4C) research group.
Natasha has worked in research since 2017, as a Postgraduate Research Fellow and Research Assistant at the University of Sydney, Griffith University and Queensland University of Technology.
Additional information
- PhD, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Professor Lori Lockyer