Dr Kelli McGraw

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Doctoral (University of Sydney), Bachelor of Education (Honours) (University of Sydney)

Dr Kelli McGraw is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Creative Industries, Education Social Justice at QUT. Currently teaching units in Secondary English curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, her prior experience includes teaching high school English and debating in Southwest Sydney, NSW. Kelli researches the fields of English curriculum studies, secondary school assessment, teacher identity, digital literacy, popular culture and new media texts. She is presently researching:

  • project-based learning in the junior English classroom
  • changes to curriculum and assessment in Queensland senior English
  • student voice and student agency in secondary school assessment in Australia.

Additional information

Kelli is the Treasurer of the English Teachers Association of Queensland, and Vice President of Queensland Poetry. She is the editor for the peer-reviewed journal English in Australia, and the lead author of a student textbook series for the new senior English syllabus (units 1-4) in Queensland published through Oxford University Press.

  • What happened to poetry writing? Re-imagining the teaching of poetry in Queensland's high stakes assessment environment
    Professional Doctorate, Principal Supervisor
    Other supervisors: Professor Sarah Holland-Batt