Dr Jeanette Neden

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Jeanette is a Senior Lecturer, Curriculum and Learning Design in the Learning and Teaching Unit, Office of the Provost. Jeanette has 30 years experience as an academic in Tertiary and Higher Education contexts in Australia and England including Northumbria, Durham, Griffith and QUT Universities.  Jeanette's academic work, encompassing teaching, research, HDR supervision and leadership as Programs Lead Master’s Degree in Family Therapy, Master’s Degree in Systemic Teaching, Training and Supervision,  Academic Lead of the Systemic Psychological Therapies Pathway C&YP IAPT at Northumbria University, UK National Chair of the Association for Family Therapy and the Chair of the National Accrediting Committee of the UK Professional body for Family Therapy and Systemic Practice.  With a professional background in social work, child protection and systemic psychotherapy Jeanette has held diverse statutory roles in the Australian Public Service, UK Local Authorities, the NSPCC and the NHS. In Australia,  prior to commencing at QUT Jeanette was Director of Field Education (Social Work) at Griffith University.  Jeanette is a Senior Fellow  and Associate Fellow (Indigenous) (Advance HE) and she is current Vice President of the Australian and New Zealand Social Work and Welfare Education and Research Organization.  Her research interests include:
  • Reflexive, and decolonizing methodologies for social justice in practice, education and research.
  • Collaborative, dialogical and relational approaches to learning, teaching and research.
  • Professional education and development for ethical practice.
  • Curriculum and learning design and how technology supports pedagogy.
Her scholarship and research includes collaborative, reflexive and constructionist approaches to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, facilitating integrative, anticipative and sustainable education and professional development, decolonizing and dialogical approaches to educational practice and research.  

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