PhD (Queensland University of Technology), Master of Education (University of Southern Qld), Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education (University of Southern Qld), Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) (Queensland University of Technology), Bachelor of Applied Science (Queensland University of Technology)
Professor Dann Mallet is a university mathematics and STEM education expert, pre-service teacher educator, and applied mathematician. Dann has been the Head of QUTs School of Teacher Education and Leadership since January 2020. He has experience in academic and curriculum team leadership and mentoring as well as extensive experience as a university mathematics educator at all levels. Previously, he has been Director of Learning and Teaching in QUTs School of Mathematical Sciences as well as Academic Program Director for Mathematics. Dann's applied mathematics research is focused on mathematical biology and human dynamics research. He is also a dedicated tertiary mathematics educator, receiving the Award for Teaching Excellence in the 2014 Australian Awards for University Teaching and being recognised as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Additional information
- Professional development for STEM teachers in Papua New Guinea
- Consultant for high school mathematics assessment, Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
- Type
- Academic Honours, Prestigious Awards or Prizes
- Reference year
- 2015
- Details
- Award for Teaching Excellence - Australian Awards for University Teaching 2014
- Thew, J., Burrage, P., Medlicott, N. & Mallet, D. (2019). Modelling optimal delivery of bFGF to chronic wounds using ODEs. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 465, 109–116. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/124173
- Czaplinski, I., Mallet, D. & Huijser, H. (2019). Addressing discrepancies between assumed, expected and actual levels of mathematical competencies: A learning design model of networked partnerships. Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (2019), 127–133. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/133151
- Adams, M., Mallet, D. & Pettet, G. (2015). Towards a quantitative theory of epidermal calcium profile formation in unwounded skin. PLoS One, 10(1), 1–23. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/79938
- Czaplinski, I., Mallet, D., Burrage, P. & Psaltis, S. (2015). Preparing engineering graduates for the knowledge economy through blended delivery of mathematics. Research and development in higher education - Learning for life and work in a complex world, Volume 38: Refereed papers from the 38th HERDSA Annual International Conference, 107–116. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/84517
- Nelson, M., Sutton, K., Brook, B., Mallet, D., Simpson, D. & Rank, R. (2014). STI-GMaS: an open-source environment for simulation of sexually-transmitted infections. BMC Systems Biology, 8, 1–19. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/72787
- Mallet, D., Bagher-Oskouei, M., Farr, C., Simpson, D. & Sutton, K. (2013). A mathematical model of chlamydial infection incorporating movement of chlamydial particles. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 75(11), 2257–2270. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/41766
- Mallet, D., Heymer, K., Rank, R. & Wilson, D. (2009). Chlamydial infection and spatial ascension of the female genital tract: a novel hybrid cellular automata and continuum model. Pathogens and Disease, 57(2), 173–182. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/27798
- Mallet, D. & De Pillis, L. (2006). A Cellular Automata Model of Tumor-Immune System Interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 239, 334–350. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/5278
- Mallet, D. & Pettet, G. (2006). A Mathematical Model of Integrin-Mediated Haptotactic Cell Migration. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 68(2), 231–253. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/5203
- De Pillis, L., Mallet, D. & Radunskaya, A. (2006). Spatial Tumor-Immune Modeling. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 7(2-3), 159–176. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/6408
- Title
- Enabling Connected Learning Via Open Source Analytics in the Wild: Learning Analytics Beyond the Learning Management System
- Primary fund type
- CAT 1 - Australian Competitive Grant
- Project ID
- ID14-3821
- Start year
- 2014
- Keywords
- Connected Learning; Semantic Technologies; xAPI; Social Learning Analytics; Mathematical Modelling
- How To Use Game Design to Form a Bridge between Data Scientists and the General Public
MPhil, Associate Supervisor
Other supervisors: Distinguished Professor Kerrie Mengersen, Dr Jane Turner
- Mathematical Modelling of Optimal bFGF Delivery to Chronic Wounds (2018)
- Within-host Dynamics of Chlamydia trachomatis Infection - Repeat Infections and the Immune Response (2018)
- Mathematical Models of Calcium and Tight Junctions in Normal and Reconstructed Epidermis (2015)
- Cell Migration and Proliferation on Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous Domains: Modelling on the Scale of Individuals and Populations (2013)
- Mathematical Modelling of Soft Callus Formation in Murine Bone Repair (2013)
- Mathematical modelling of tumour growth and interaction with host tissue and the immune system (2013)
- Mathematical Modelling of the Immune Response to Chlamydia Trachomatis (2012)